Well, this has all been very interesting, and I am truly grateful for the 
time you took to write your answers.
I went with the backup plan - zipping the Oracle JDK 8 directory and then 
letting Jenkins get it from Artifactory. That works good enough for me.
I think that the conclusion is that the Oracle JDK installation executable 
is just something particularly nasty that has to be worked around...

On Friday, December 18, 2020 at 7:33:18 PM UTC+1 Mark Waite wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 18, 2020 at 10:29 AM Amedee Van Gasse <amedee....@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> The Oracle JDK is a requirement for a non-technical reason, and I am not 
>> at liberty to discuss the nature of those non-technical requirements on a 
>> public communication channel.
>> I know, that sounds more mysterious than it actually is. :-)
>> An Oracle JDK license is only required for Oracle Java SE 11+, and for 
>> updates to Oracle Java SE 8 released after January 2019.
>> From which you can deduce that the exact JDK 8 version we use, is 8u221.
>> We have jobs that have to run the same identical code on different JDK 
>> versions.
>> Past experiences (implementation changes in Collections, legacy code 
>> using sun.* imports,...) have learned us the hard lesson that we should not 
>> trust JDK compatibility between versions, so we run our code in parallel on 
>> _all_ JDK versions that we support.
>> I seriously hope that it stays a secret that there are about a dozen 
>> different JDK vendors/distributions these days, build times are already 
>> long enough as it is now with what we have...
>> Code snippet to illustrate:
>>     static javaVersions = ['jdk-8-oracle', 'jdk-11-openjdk', 
>> 'jdk-13-openjdk', 'jdk-14-openjdk', 'jdk-15-openjdk', 'jdk-16-openjdk']
>> When you write "unpacked in a user directory", what does that mean 
>> exactly for you?
>> A) JDK is "installed" in advance on the agent, either manually 
>> (next-next-next-finish) or configuration management (Chef, Puppet, 
>> Ansible,...)
>> B) JDK is "installed" by Jenkins, 
>> using https://$JENKINS_URL/configureTools/ -> JDK installations
>> We do B, but now you've got me thinking that you maybe do A?
> That's correct.  The JDK that runs the agent is pre-installed on the agent 
> before the agent starts.  I install it with a shell script (Unix) or 
> PowerShell script (Windows) by unpacking the zip file provided by the 
> AdoptOpenJDK project.  Chef, Puppet, or Ansible would do that as well.
>> Do you use only one single JDK version ever on each agent?
> I run the agent with a single JDK.  When the controller is running with 
> JDK 8u275, I try my best to run the agent with JDK 8u275.  When 
> the controller is running with JDK 11.0.9, I try my best to run the agent 
> with JDK 11.0.9.
> Jenkins is rather forgiving of mismatches in JDK versions, but I prefer to 
> generally keep them matched.  In my specific case, the match is imperfect 
> since I have Raspbian agents that are "stuck" on 8u212, a FreeBSD 10 agent 
> that is "stuck" on 8u181, a FreeBSD 12 agent that is "stuck" on 8u242, and 
> an OpenBSD agent that is "stuck" on 8u252.   They are "stuck" there because 
> I've not found newer versions for those environments yet.
> I can run other JDK's as part of agent jobs with the Jenkins AdoptOpenJDK 
> tool installer plugin.  That plugin is similar to the Oracle JDK tool 
> installer plugin but provides AdoptOpenJDK rather than Oracle JDK.
>> I wrote "installed", because that can either be
>> * Windows Installer, for Oracle JDK
>> * Extract zip file, for OpenJDK (for me, binaries from 
>> https://jdk.java.net/ or for you, from https://adoptopenjdk.net/)
>> I haven't really seriously looked at the difference between OpenJDK and 
>> AdoptOpenJDK.
>> -- 
>> Amedee Van Gasse
>> On Friday, December 18, 2020 at 2:39:32 PM UTC+1 Mark Waite wrote:
>>> I use a WIndows Server 2019 ssh agent that has AdoptOpenJDK 8u275 
>>> unpacked in a user directory with JAVA_HOME set in the environment of that 
>>> user to use the AdoptOpenJDK 8u275 installation.  It seems like you should 
>>> not need the Oracle JDK at all if you use AdoptOpenJDK.  That avoids the 
>>> requirements for purchase of an Oracle JDK license and does not require 
>>> privilege escalation.  Is the Oracle JDK a requirement for some other 
>>> reason?
>>> When I run my Jenkins controller (Dockerized on Linux) on Java 11, the 
>>> Windows Server 2019 ssh agent is configured to use AdoptOpenJDK 
>>> unpacked in a user directory.
>>> Mark Waite
>>> On Fri, Dec 18, 2020 at 6:10 AM Amedee Van Gasse <amedee....@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> There was a thread here last month "Recommended way to setup a windows 
>>>> agent nowadays?"
>>>> I have a (new) windows agent (Windows Server 2019) that is connected 
>>>> through SSH, as described in that thread. It's configured through Packer 
>>>> and Ansible, to avoid clickety-click Next-Next-Next-Finish.
>>>> I have a user "jenkins" on Windows, who is a regular user, not an 
>>>> Administrator.
>>>> When I start a job on this new agent, I get this error:
>>>> *00:00:09.445* Installing 
>>>> C:\Users\jenkins\tools\hudson.model.JDK\jdk-8-oracle\jdk.exe 
>>>> *00:00:09.475* [jdk-8-oracle] $ 
>>>> C:\Users\jenkins\tools\hudson.model.JDK\jdk-8-oracle\jdk.exe /s 
>>>> ADDLOCAL="ToolsFeature" REBOOT=ReallySuppress 
>>>> INSTALLDIR=C:\Users\jenkins\tools\hudson.model.JDK\jdk-8-oracle /L 
>>>> C:\Users\jenkins\tools\hudson.model.JDK\install6146141972686424355log 
>>>> *00:00:10.064* ERROR: SEVERE ERROR occurs *00:00:10.064* 
>>>> org.jenkinsci.lib.envinject.EnvInjectException: java.io.IOException: 
>>>> Cannot 
>>>> run program "C:\Users\jenkins\tools\hudson.model.JDK\jdk-8-oracle\jdk.exe" 
>>>> (in directory "C:\Users\jenkins\tools\hudson.model.JDK\jdk-8-oracle"): 
>>>> CreateProcess error=740, The requested operation requires elevation
>>>> In short, Jenkins launches the Oracle JDK 8 installer, to install in 
>>>> C:\Users\jenkins\tools\hudson.model.JDK\jdk-8-oracle, and it fails to do, 
>>>> because the Oracle installer program, jdk.exe, requires elevated 
>>>> privileges 
>>>> to be able to install JDK8.
>>>> This contrasts with OpenJDK installers, which are just zip files that 
>>>> are extracted into the install directory and do not require elevated 
>>>> privileges.
>>>> (context: we have builds that need to run on more than one JDK, because 
>>>> legacy products)
>>>> In Ye Olden Days I know that Java Web Start was used to connect windows 
>>>> agents, and that allows you to register Jenkins as a service, which then 
>>>> has the required elevated privileges to install software (I think, not 
>>>> sure, I'm basically a Linux user for the better part of 2 decades). But as 
>>>> we all know, Java Web Start is going the way of the dodo, and I feel more 
>>>> at ease if my Linux agents and my Windows agents are configured in exactly 
>>>> the same way.
>>>> I have a backup plan, and that is to extract the JDK8 installation 
>>>> directory from the Oracle installer, zip that, put it on our Artifactory 
>>>> server, and use the zip as an installer in Global Tool Configuration. 
>>>> Before I do that, I would like to hear if others have encountered this 
>>>> issue before and how they have solved it.
>>>> -- 
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