
I created a Junit test case which is available 
where a seed job is created to populate a mavenJob using the DSL groovy 
file provided 

But when it is executed; the job build fails and reports this error

Legacy code started this job.  No cause information is available
Running as SYSTEM
Building in workspace /var/folders/t2/jwchtqkn5y76hrfrws7dqtqm0000gn/T/j 
Processing provided DSL script
ERROR: java.io.IOException: Unable to read 
Finished: FAILURE

The error comes from the fact that the job "mvn-spring-boot-rest-http" has 
not been created under the "jobs" folder. the jobs folder only contains a "
test0" folder.

How can I investigate the problem and fix that ? 

If I check the config.xml file generated, it looks good (vs same config.xml 
file created using the UI)

<?xml version='1.1' encoding='UTF-8'?>
  <scm class="hudson.scm.NullSCM"/>
      <scriptText>mavenJob(&apos;mvn-spring-boot-rest-http&apos;) {
    description &apos;A Maven Job compiling the project Spring Boot Rest 
HTTP Example&apos;

    parameters {
        gitParameter {
            name &apos;SELECTED_TAG&apos;
            description &apos;The Git tag to checkout&apos;
            type &apos;PT_TAG&apos;
            defaultValue &apos;2.3.4-2&apos;
            branch &apos;&apos;
            branchFilter &apos;origin/(.*)&apos;
            quickFilterEnabled false
            selectedValue &apos;DEFAULT&apos;
            sortMode &apos;DESCENDING_SMART&apos;
            tagFilter &apos;*&apos;
            useRepository &apos;.*rest-http-example.git&apos;
            listSize &apos;10&apos;

    scm {
        git {
            remote {
                // branch(&apos;$SELECTED_TAG&apos;)
    rootPOM &apos;pom.xml&apos;
    goals &apos;clean install&apos;

excepted that the config.xml created from the UI includes this additional 

<javaposse.jobdsl.plugin.ExecuteDslScripts plugin="job-dsl@1.77">



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