That's what I essentially have already. Just need the correct 
docker_image_tags_url value, and that post didn't tell me.

On Wednesday, November 25, 2020 at 10:22:41 AM UTC-5 slide wrote:

> This might get you started: 
> On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 7:58 AM <> wrote:
>> I essentially want to get this list, but in a JSON format in an HTTP 
>> response. But using this link as my docker_image_tags_url value for my 
>> script doesn't work of course, that is, it gives a blank list.
>> .
>> On Wednesday, November 25, 2020 at 9:40:16 AM UTC-5 
>> wrote:
>>> I want to use the Groovy script in this post 
>>> <>
>>> to get Jenkins versions. So I do this, where I change the 
>>> docker_image_tags_url to point to a Jenkins end point.
>>> // Import the JsonSlurper class to parse Dockerhub API response
>>> import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
>>> // Set the URL we want to read from, it is MySQL from official Library 
>>> for this example, limited to 20 results only.
>>> docker_image_tags_url = "
>>> "
>>> try {
>>>     // Set requirements for the HTTP GET request, you can add 
>>> Content-Type headers and so on...
>>>     def http_client = new URL(docker_image_tags_url).openConnection() as 
>>> HttpURLConnection
>>>     http_client.setRequestMethod('GET')
>>>     // Run the HTTP request
>>>     http_client.connect()
>>>     // Prepare a variable where we save parsed JSON as a HashMap, it's 
>>> good for our use case, as we just need the 'name' of each tag.
>>>     def dockerhub_response = [:]    
>>>     // Check if we got HTTP 200, otherwise exit
>>>     if (http_client.responseCode == 200) {
>>>         dockerhub_response = new 
>>> JsonSlurper().parseText(http_client.inputStream.getText('UTF-8'))
>>>     } else {
>>>         println("HTTP response error")
>>>         System.exit(0)
>>>     }
>>>     // Prepare a List to collect the tag names into
>>>     def image_tag_list = []
>>>     // Iterate the HashMap of all Tags and grab only their "names" into 
>>> our List
>>>     dockerhub_response.results.each { tag_metadata ->
>>>         image_tag_list.add(    
>>>     }
>>>     // The returned value MUST be a Groovy type of List or a related 
>>> type (inherited from List)
>>>     // It is necessary for the Active Choice plugin to display results 
>>> in a combo-box
>>>     return image_tag_list.sort()
>>> } catch (Exception e) {
>>>          // handle exceptions like timeout, connection errors, etc.
>>>          println(e)
>>> }
>>> However, it just returns Alpine versions. How can I get the CentOS 
>>> versions?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Chris
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