

Happy work with you on writing this up. Could merge the MS and Cygwin 
approaches in the write up.


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From: <> On 
Behalf Of Slide
Sent: Monday, November 23, 2020 12:22 PM
To: Jenkins User Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: Recommended way to setup a windows agent nowadays ?


I would highly recommend switching to using SSH for Windows agents. The 
Win32-OpenSSH implementation from MS is supported from Windows 7 on (though 
Windows 7 is EOL). This makes it easier to maintain your agents because both 
the Windows and Linux agents are using the same mechanism. I've been meaning to 
write a blog post about this, but haven't had the time to. I switched all of my 
agents over to SSH last year and it has been working very well for me.






On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 7:12 AM Jérôme Godbout < 
<> > wrote:



if you are using Windows 10 for your slave, just enable the Windows Features 
for OpenSSH client and server. This would make it just like a Linux node. Make 
sure to put your Java install into a path without spaces (I think the fix is in 
the pipeline depending of the Jenkins version you have).

That make it easier as it do just like linux to log in and seem more safe to 
me, you just put the credentials into the Jenkins master for the ssh key.



une compagnie  


Jérôme Godbout
Développeur Logiciel Sénior / 
Senior Software Developer

p: +1 (418) 800-1073 ext.:109




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<>  < 
<> > On Behalf Of Francois Marot
Sent: November 23, 2020 6:24 AM
To: Jenkins Users < 
<> >
Subject: Recommended way to setup a windows agent nowadays ?



Hello Jenkins users,


I'm in the process of upgrading my Jenkins installation. My Jenkins Linux 
master has been updated with the latest LTS but not the agents for the moment.

I'm wondering how to update the Windows agents.

For exemple: one outputs the following logs:
> "WARNING: Remoting version is older than a minimum required one (3.14). 
> Connection will not be rejected, but the compatibility is NOT guaranteed"


I think it was configured with JavaWebStart and runs as a service but I also 
think that Java Web Start is more or less deprecated in Java 8+.

On the other hand, configuring with the other way (WMI I think) leads to the 
following help message in Jenkins master:
> " This launch method relies on DCOM and is often associated with subtle 
> problems 
> <>
>  . Consider using Launch agents using Java Web Start instead "


So my question is: what is the preffered way to setup a windows agent connected 
to a Linux master nowadays ? Isn't JNLP deprecated ? Is there an up to date 
definitive doc ?



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