Hi Alex,

I can not directly comment - I use them for all my windows k8s agents but 
that's not a huge load compared to the linux ones which have not yet 

However, I would rather suggest that if your instance is requiring some 
upgrading I would setup some monitoring (OS metrics, process metrics, and 
send Jenkins logs to somewhere). this will allow you to see impacts of any 
change you make and see any patterns before and after any changes.
After that, change one thing and one thing only and see how it works for a 
reasonable period (depending on your load that could be a day or a week), 
then if things don't work you will be able to track it to a specific plugin 
upgrade, or a core upgrade, or in this case switching agents to websocket.


On Friday, 20 November 2020 at 21:02:47 UTC Alex Williams wrote:

> Evening/Morning/Afternoon,
> I've inherited a large jenkins instance and it's due some upgrading,
> I was looking into using agent websockets however the net seems to have 
> gone quiet on the topic of scalability when it comes to them, 
> I'm* wondering if anyone is currently running them in their setup and 
> roughly how many agents you tend to be running concurrently at peak times?*
> Any advice or experience on the topic would be greatly appreciated, I'm 
> planning a smallish test at some point next week.
> All the best,
> -AW

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