I'm trying to set up a string parameter which will reference a variable 
which will be created within the pipeline.  For instance, when building a 
parameterized build, the user enters a file path in this 
format: /srv/jboss/server/${MAL}/log/

Where MAL is assigned via the pipeline and then I try to ls -ltr the fully 
qualified path after MAL has been expanded.  However I'm not getting it to 
expand; wondering what I'm doing wrong.

node {
MALarray = params.multi.split(',')

MALarray.each { MAL ->
if (MAL in ['care''] )  {
            servers = ['xx.xx.xx.xx','xx.xx.xx.xx']

def soc_remote = [:]
soc_remote.name = "${MAL} SOC"
soc_remote.allowAnyHosts = true

withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'Credentials', 
usernameVariable: 'USER_ID', passwordVariable: 'USER_PASSWORD')]) {
soc_remote.user = USER_ID
soc_remote.password = USER_PASSWORD
servers.each { server ->
            soc_remote.host = server
stage("Run script on ${server}") {
    try {
    echo("MAL is ${MAL}")
    sshCommand remote: soc_remote, command: "ls -ltr ${filepath}"
    } catch (err) {
                          echo "something failed"
                          echo "${err}"

Console output:
*11:59:34* MAL is care 
*11:59:34* [Pipeline] sshCommand 
*11:59:34* Executing command on care SOC[xx.xx.xx.xx]: ls -ltr 
/srv/jboss/server/${MAL}/log/ sudo: false 
*11:59:35* ls: cannot access /srv/jboss/server//log/: No such file or 
*11:59:35* Failed command care SOC#1002 with status 2: ls -ltr 

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