Am Samstag, den 23.05.2020, 18:43 -0700 schrieb Vijay Gongle:
> We have plenty of Jenkins job and most of them are running with
> SonarQube for analysis. 
> How to find out; how many such jobs are running with SonarQube ?

This is derived from a script I've used in the past to modify all
Artifactory wrappers in all our jobs:
import hudson.model.*
import hudson.plugins.sonar.*

// Iterate over all jobs
Jenkins.instance.getAllItems(AbstractProject.class).each {job ->
  def fName = job.getFullName()

  // Iterate over all build wrappers
  for (wrapper in job.getBuildWrappersList()) {
    if (wrapper instanceof SonarBuildWrapper) {
      println(fName + ' has SonarQube configuration.')

Paste it into the Script Console and see how it works. We don't use
SonarCube ourselves, so it may work or not, but it should point you
into the right direction.
Dirk HeinrichsSenior Systems Engineer, Delivery PipelineOpenText ™ Discovery | 
RecommindPhone: +49 2226 15966 18Email: dheinric@opentext.comWebsite: 
www.recommind.deRecommind GmbH, Von-Liebig-Straße 1, 53359 
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