Hi All,

Currently I'm having an Issue with jenkins Hearbeat Timeout, during my 
build stage within a Pipeline: Within my build Stage I'm after adding in a 
System.setPropery but still this doesn't seem to dealing with the Timout of 

  stage('Creating Virutal Machine'){
            script {
, "86400");
         withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: '', 
passwordVariable: 'local_pass', usernameVariable: 'local_user'), 
usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'ServiceAccount', passwordVariable: 'pass', 
usernameVariable: 'user')]) { 
             if (params.Second_Drive == "Yes" ) {
                sh label: '', script: '''ansible-playbook create_vm1.yaml 
 --extra-vars "vcenter='$vCenter' password=$pass cluster='$Cluster' 
datacenter='$DataCenter' VM_Name='$Virtual_Machine_Name' template='$Template' 
datastore='$DataStore' network_name='$Network' ip=$IP_ADDRESS 
domain=$Domain netmask=$Netmask gateway=$Gateway local_pass=$local_pass 
mb=$RAM cpu=$CPU"'''
             else {
                 sh label: '', script: '''ansible-playbook create_vm.yaml 
 --extra-vars "vcenter='$vCenter' password=$pass cluster='$Cluster' 
datacenter='$DataCenter' VM_Name='$Virtual_Machine_Name' template='$Template' 
datastore='$DataStore' network_name='$Network' ip=$IP_ADDRESS 
domain=$Domain netmask=$Netmask gateway=$Gateway local_pass=$local_pass 
mb=$RAM cpu=$CPU"'''

But most of the time the jobs within Jenkins seems to Error out / Time out 
with the following: 

TASK [Virtual Machine customization] *******************************************
wrapper script does not seem to be touching the log file in 
/var/jenkins_home/workspace/vSphere/Virtual Machine 
(JENKINS-48300: if on an extremely laggy filesystem, consider 

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