I finally got it working (should execute it after withMaven {}.

My problem is that it shows 3 of four artifacts deployed. (jar, sources, 
javadoc). Pom is missing, but it gets archived into the build...

On Saturday, April 27, 2019 at 1:59:53 AM UTC+2, Harsh Shah wrote:
> Hi, Cyrille
>   So this is how I do it.
> pipeline side invoke the method
> env.DEPLOYEDARTIFACTS = getDeployedArtifacts()
> @NonCPS
> def getDeployedArtifacts() {
>     def deployed = ''
>     Collection<org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.MavenArtifact> 
> generatedArtifacts = 
> currentBuild.rawBuild.getAction(org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.publishers.MavenReport.class).getGeneratedArtifacts();
>     for (org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.MavenArtifact 
> generatedArtifact:generatedArtifacts) {
>     if (generatedArtifact.isDeployed()) {
>         deployed= deployed.concat(generatedArtifact.getUrl())
>         deployed = deployed.concat("===")
>         deployed = 
> deployed.concat(generatedArtifact.getShortDescription())
>         deployed = deployed.concat(",") 
>         }
>     }
>     return deployed
> }
>     <br />
>     <!-- MAVEN ARTIFACTS -->
>     <j:set var="mbuilds" 
> value="${it.getAction('org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.EnvActionImpl').getOverriddenEnvironment()}"
> />
>         <h5>Deployed Artifacts</h5>
>          <j:set var="generatedArtifacts" 
> value="${mbuilds.get('DEPLOYEDArtifacts')}" />
>        <table width="100%" style="font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans 
> serif; font-size: 11px; color: black">
>         <j:forEach var="artifacts" 
> items="${generatedArtifacts.split(',')}" >
>         <j:set var="artifact" value="${artifacts.split('===')}" />
>          <tr bgcolor="white" >
>           <td class="bg1" colspan="2" style="font-family: Verdana, 
> Helvetica, sans serif; font-size: 120%; color: black">
>           <li>
>             <a href="${artifact[0]}">
>             ${artifact[1]}
>           </a>
>           </li>
>            </td>
>          </tr>
>          </j:forEach>
>        </table>
>  <br />
> On Monday, April 22, 2019 at 3:22:34 AM UTC-7, Cyrille Le Clerc wrote:
>> Thanks Harsh,
>> Could you please share with us an example of using maven pipeline details 
>> in email generated by the email ext plug-in that I would add to the 
>> documentation?
>> Le lun. 22 avr. 2019 à 08:49, Harsh Shah <shahh...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>>> Collection<org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.MavenArtifact> 
>>> generatedArtifacts = 
>>> currentBuild.rawBuild.getAction(org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.publishers.MavenReport.class).getGeneratedArtifacts();
>>>                     for 
>>> (org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.MavenArtifact 
>>> generatedArtifact:generatedArtifacts) {
>>>                         if (generatedArtifact.isDeployed()) {
>>>                             println("<a href='" + 
>>> generatedArtifact.getUrl() + "'>" + generatedArtifact.getShortDescription() 
>>> + "</a>");
>>>                         } else {
>>> println(generatedArtifact.getShortDescription());
>>>                         }
>>>                     }
>>> On Sunday, April 21, 2019 at 11:48:03 PM UTC-7, Harsh Shah wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>>   Thanks, this works.
>>>> -Harsh
>>>> On Sunday, April 21, 2019 at 9:15:50 AM UTC-7, Cyrille Le Clerc wrote:
>>>>> Hello Harsh,
>>>>> This seems to be possible but I have not tried. It should look like:
>>>>> Collection<org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.MavenArtifact> 
>>>>> generatedArtifacts = build.getAction(org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.
>>>>> maven.publishers.MavenReport.class).getGeneratedArtifacts();
>>>>> for (MavenArtifact generatedArtifact:generatedArtifacts) {
>>>>>     if (generatedArtifact.isDeployed()) {
>>>>>         System.out.println("<a href='" + generatedArtifact.getUrl() + 
>>>>> "'>" + generatedArtifact.getShortDescription() + "</a>");
>>>>>     } else {
>>>>>         System.out.println(generatedArtifact.getShortDescription());
>>>>>     }
>>>>> }
>>>>> See source code 
>>>>> https://github.com/jenkinsci/pipeline-maven-plugin/blob/pipeline-maven-3.6.9/jenkins-plugin/src/main/java/org/jenkinsci/plugins/pipeline/maven/MavenArtifact.java
>>>>> Cyrille
>>>>> On Friday, April 19, 2019 at 7:06:01 PM UTC+2, Harsh Shah wrote:
>>>>>> The template is a pretty standard template like this 
>>>>>> https://wiki.jenkins.io/download/attachments/3604514/jenkins-matrix-email-html.template?version=1&modificationDate=1332562186000&api=v2
>>>>>> I am trying to get maven artifacts urls
>>>>>>     <!-- MAVEN ARTIFACTS -->
>>>>>>     <j:set var="mbuilds" value="${build.moduleBuilds}" />
>>>>>>     <j:if test="${mbuilds!=null}">
>>>>>>       <div class="content">
>>>>>>         <h1>Build Artifacts</h1>
>>>>>>         <j:forEach var="m" items="${mbuilds}">
>>>>>>           <h2>${m.key.displayName}</h2>
>>>>>>           <j:forEach var="mvnbld" items="${m.value}">
>>>>>>             <j:set var="artifacts" value="${mvnbld.artifacts}" />
>>>>>>             <j:if test="${artifacts!=null and artifacts.size()&gt;0}">
>>>>>>               <ul>
>>>>>>                 <j:forEach var="f" items="${artifacts}">
>>>>>>                   <li>
>>>>>>                     <a 
>>>>>> href="${rooturl}${mvnbld.url}artifact/${f}">${f}</a>
>>>>>>                   </li>
>>>>>>                 </j:forEach>
>>>>>>               </ul>
>>>>>>             </j:if>
>>>>>>           </j:forEach>
>>>>>>         </j:forEach>
>>>>>>         <br />
>>>>>>       </div>
>>>>>>     </j:if>
>>>>>> On Friday, April 19, 2019 at 9:30:49 AM UTC-7, Cyrille Le Clerc wrote:
>>>>>>> do you have examples of integrations of the email ext plugin with 
>>>>>>> other plugins?
>>>>>>> Is the integration based on environment variables?
>>>>>>> Cyrille
>>>>>>> On Friday, April 19, 2019 at 2:15:11 AM UTC+2, Harsh Shah wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>   We have been using pipeline maven plugin and maven artifact 
>>>>>>>> publisher to display deployed artifacts by the build. 
>>>>>>>>   We also use ext-email plugin with a template to provide 
>>>>>>>> notifications. 
>>>>>>>> How can I get the published maven artifacts from maven artifact 
>>>>>>>> publisher in my email description?
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> -Harsh
>>>>>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the 
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> On Monday, April 22, 2019 at 3:22:34 AM UTC-7, Cyrille Le Clerc wrote:
>> Thanks Harsh,
>> Could you please share with us an example of using maven pipeline details 
>> in email generated by the email ext plug-in that I would add to the 
>> documentation?
>> Le lun. 22 avr. 2019 à 08:49, Harsh Shah <shahh...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>>> Collection<org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.MavenArtifact> 
>>> generatedArtifacts = 
>>> currentBuild.rawBuild.getAction(org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.publishers.MavenReport.class).getGeneratedArtifacts();
>>>                     for 
>>> (org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.MavenArtifact 
>>> generatedArtifact:generatedArtifacts) {
>>>                         if (generatedArtifact.isDeployed()) {
>>>                             println("<a href='" + 
>>> generatedArtifact.getUrl() + "'>" + generatedArtifact.getShortDescription() 
>>> + "</a>");
>>>                         } else {
>>> println(generatedArtifact.getShortDescription());
>>>                         }
>>>                     }
>>> On Sunday, April 21, 2019 at 11:48:03 PM UTC-7, Harsh Shah wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>>   Thanks, this works.
>>>> -Harsh
>>>> On Sunday, April 21, 2019 at 9:15:50 AM UTC-7, Cyrille Le Clerc wrote:
>>>>> Hello Harsh,
>>>>> This seems to be possible but I have not tried. It should look like:
>>>>> Collection<org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.MavenArtifact> 
>>>>> generatedArtifacts = build.getAction(org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.
>>>>> maven.publishers.MavenReport.class).getGeneratedArtifacts();
>>>>> for (MavenArtifact generatedArtifact:generatedArtifacts) {
>>>>>     if (generatedArtifact.isDeployed()) {
>>>>>         System.out.println("<a href='" + generatedArtifact.getUrl() + 
>>>>> "'>" + generatedArtifact.getShortDescription() + "</a>");
>>>>>     } else {
>>>>>         System.out.println(generatedArtifact.getShortDescription());
>>>>>     }
>>>>> }
>>>>> See source code 
>>>>> https://github.com/jenkinsci/pipeline-maven-plugin/blob/pipeline-maven-3.6.9/jenkins-plugin/src/main/java/org/jenkinsci/plugins/pipeline/maven/MavenArtifact.java
>>>>> Cyrille
>>>>> On Friday, April 19, 2019 at 7:06:01 PM UTC+2, Harsh Shah wrote:
>>>>>> The template is a pretty standard template like this 
>>>>>> https://wiki.jenkins.io/download/attachments/3604514/jenkins-matrix-email-html.template?version=1&modificationDate=1332562186000&api=v2
>>>>>> I am trying to get maven artifacts urls
>>>>>>     <!-- MAVEN ARTIFACTS -->
>>>>>>     <j:set var="mbuilds" value="${build.moduleBuilds}" />
>>>>>>     <j:if test="${mbuilds!=null}">
>>>>>>       <div class="content">
>>>>>>         <h1>Build Artifacts</h1>
>>>>>>         <j:forEach var="m" items="${mbuilds}">
>>>>>>           <h2>${m.key.displayName}</h2>
>>>>>>           <j:forEach var="mvnbld" items="${m.value}">
>>>>>>             <j:set var="artifacts" value="${mvnbld.artifacts}" />
>>>>>>             <j:if test="${artifacts!=null and artifacts.size()&gt;0}">
>>>>>>               <ul>
>>>>>>                 <j:forEach var="f" items="${artifacts}">
>>>>>>                   <li>
>>>>>>                     <a 
>>>>>> href="${rooturl}${mvnbld.url}artifact/${f}">${f}</a>
>>>>>>                   </li>
>>>>>>                 </j:forEach>
>>>>>>               </ul>
>>>>>>             </j:if>
>>>>>>           </j:forEach>
>>>>>>         </j:forEach>
>>>>>>         <br />
>>>>>>       </div>
>>>>>>     </j:if>
>>>>>> On Friday, April 19, 2019 at 9:30:49 AM UTC-7, Cyrille Le Clerc wrote:
>>>>>>> do you have examples of integrations of the email ext plugin with 
>>>>>>> other plugins?
>>>>>>> Is the integration based on environment variables?
>>>>>>> Cyrille
>>>>>>> On Friday, April 19, 2019 at 2:15:11 AM UTC+2, Harsh Shah wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>   We have been using pipeline maven plugin and maven artifact 
>>>>>>>> publisher to display deployed artifacts by the build. 
>>>>>>>>   We also use ext-email plugin with a template to provide 
>>>>>>>> notifications. 
>>>>>>>> How can I get the published maven artifacts from maven artifact 
>>>>>>>> publisher in my email description?
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> -Harsh
>>>>>>> -- 
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