in that case, I would use the here you 
have some examples

El jueves, 6 de febrero de 2020, 12:26:40 (UTC+1), Sanders, Sholom escribió:
> I am trying to run a shell script on the remote host from Jenkins using 
> SSH. I am not actually building anything. All my builds are done on the 
> Jenkins machine and the source code comes from GIT. This particular Jenkins 
> job is to distribute the resulting build to various environments as needed. 
> So this job has two parameters, the environment to distribute the build to 
> and the particular build version to distribute. There are five 
> environments. I was able to configure successfully DEV and TSt. The 
> configurations for UAT, STG and PRD fail to connect to server. Each 
> environment has a shell script which copies over the deployment version to 
> that machine.

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