
It looks like the smee client has a *--target* option to specify where to
send notifications to:

*Usage: smee [options]Options:  -v, --version          output the version
number  -u, --url <url>        URL of the webhook proxy service. Default:
https://smee.io/new <https://smee.io/new>  -t, --target <target>  Full URL
(including protocol and path) of the target service the events will
forwarded to. Default:  -p, --port <n>
Local HTTP server port (default: 3000)  -P, --path <path>      URL path to
post proxied requests to` (default: "/")  -h, --help             output
usage information*

I followed the steps at
and set up a smee endpoint, then I started the smee client with:

*./node_modules/smee-client/bin/smee.js  -u https://smee.io/mysmeeendpoint
<https://smee.io/mysmeeendpoint> -t
https://smee.io/mysmeeendpoint <https://smee.io/mysmeeendpoint> to
https://smee.io/mysmeeendpoint <https://smee.io/mysmeeendpoint> *

I then did a push to my repository in github.  However, the smee client
showed an error:

*error: Error: cannot POST /github-webhook (404)        at Response.toError
*node/response.js:94:15)        at ResponseBase._**setStatusProperties
*response-base.js:123:16)        at new Response
*node/response.js:41:8)        at Request._emitResponse
*node/index.js:752:20)        at IncomingMessage.<anonymous>

*node/index.js:916:38)        at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:208:15)
    at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1154:12)        at
processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.*

*js:77:11) {      status: 404,      text: '404 page not found\n',
method: 'POST',      path: '/github-webhook'    },*

Is there some other setup that is required on the Jenkins server to get
this to work?
I have a Jenkins LTS 2.190.2 server, with Blue Ocean, Pipeline, and many
other plugins installed.


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