The more I've looked into this, it really does seem to be an interface 
issue with ssh-agent in the freestyle project.  Do anyone else have this 
issue?  Or does it work for anyone?

On Wednesday, October 16, 2019 at 1:11:16 PM UTC-4, Jonathan wrote:
> Hi,
> i'm using :
> Jenkins v2.200
> Credentials Plugin v2.3.0
> SSH Credentials Plugin v1.18
> SSH Agent Plugin v1.17
> I'm attempting to use the "SSH Agent" setting in the "Build Environment" 
> section.
> My issue is that no available credentials are showing up when 
> creating/modifying a freestyle project.
> I also use the ansible plugin and the credentials are showing up within 
> that dropdown menu within the same project configuration page.
> My assumption is that this has something to do with "SSH Agent" 
> interacting with the "Credentials" or "SSH Gredentials" plugin.
> Does anyone have this issue? or a workaround?
> Thanks for your help!
> Jonathan

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