I was mistaken. We did not use NFS.
The disk for JENKINS_HOME (Jenkins running on VM), is a LVM disk.

mandag 29. juli 2019 18.15.20 UTC+2 skrev Ivan Fernandez Calvo følgende:
> check the Cloudbees links, I've helped to write those KB when I was on 
> CloudBees :), I'm pretty sure that the NFS is your pain and the root cause 
> of all your problems if you can rid of it better.
> El lunes, 29 de julio de 2019, 18:03:59 (UTC+2), slide escribió:
>> CloudBees (not my employer) has some resources on using NFS (generally 
>> the recommendation is to NOT use NFS for JENKINS_HOME). 
>> https://support.cloudbees.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000486312-CJP-Performance-Best-Practices-for-Linux#nfs
>> and
>> https://support.cloudbees.com/hc/en-us/articles/217479948-NFS-Guide 
>> On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 8:51 AM Sverre Moe <sver...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Yes, we are using NFS for JENKINS_HOME.
>>> mandag 29. juli 2019 15.41.00 UTC+2 skrev Ivan Fernandez Calvo følgende:
>>>> you have 83 threads in state:IN_NATIVE, probably stuck in IO 
>>>> operations, those 83 threads are blocking the other 382 threads, if you 
>>>> use 
>>>> an NFS or similar device for you Jenkins HOME this is probably your 
>>>> bottleneck, if not check the IO stats on the OS to see where you have the 
>>>> bottleneck.
>>>> El lunes, 29 de julio de 2019, 11:20:50 (UTC+2), Sverre Moe escribió:
>>>>> I was unable to determine something from the stack output
>>>>> Here is the result: 
>>>>> https://fastthread.io/my-thread-report.jsp?p=c2hhcmVkLzIwMTkvMDcvMjkvLS1qc3RhY2sudHh0LS05LTE2LTI3
>>>>> torsdag 18. juli 2019 11.28.06 UTC+2 skrev Sverre Moe følgende:
>>>>>> There is no such reference in my jstack output.
>>>>>> The output says no deadlock detected.
>>>>>> I will try that site for analyzing the jstack.
>>>>>> Even a normal running Jenkins has many BLOCKED threads. If that is 
>>>>>> normal I don't know.
>>>>>> We have a test Jenkins instance running on Java 11. That one does not 
>>>>>> have any BLOCKED threads.
>>>>>> Our production Jenkins is running Java 8u181.
>>>>>> torsdag 18. juli 2019 11.04.16 UTC+2 skrev Ivan Fernandez Calvo 
>>>>>> følgende:
>>>>>>> In that dump I can not see which thread is blocking the others, the 
>>>>>>> jstack output has a reference on each thread that said what thread is 
>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>> blocker on each thread (- locked <0x00000000> a java.lang.Object), 
>>>>>>> you can try to analyze those thread dump with 
>>>>>>> https://fastthread.io/index.jsp or other online tools to see if you 
>>>>>>> see something relevant, it looks like there is a deadlock.
>>>>>>> https://dzone.com/articles/how-to-read-a-thread-dump
>>>>>> -- 
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