I'm having an issue regarding Jenkins Pipeline Maven Plugin 
<https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Pipeline+Maven+Plugin>*). It 
always skips the downstream jobs even if "*Build whenever a SNAPSHOT 
dependency is built*" is checked.

Here's the FINER logs for Downstream listener(

*upstreamPipeline (<upstream build>, visibleByDownstreamBuildAuth: false), 
 downstreamPipeline (<downstream pipeline>, visibleByUpstreamBuildAuth: 
true), upstreamBuildAuth: 
Username: <user>; Password: [PROTECTED]; *

*Skip triggering of <downstream pipeline> by <upstream pipeline> #<build>: 
downstreamVisibleByUpstreamBuildAuth: true, 
upstreamVisibleByDownstreamBuildAuth: false*


The value for *visibleByDownstreamBuildAuth* is always false. Any ideas how 
to make that value true?

Also Jenkins has this troubleshooting guide but my settings are already 

Thank you in advance. 

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