
I would like to ask you for your help.

I am trying to declare this workflow:
- user has to choose param - dev, test, prod
- when use dev - copy deploy-01.txt
- when use test - copy deploy-02.txt
- when use prodution - user has to write password - when it is correct then 
- copy both files.

My problem is that when I choose dev, or test, then input from prod is 
still active (is shown). I just want the message to be shown only if prod 
is chose in the step 1.

Thank you.


agent any
parameters {
choice choices: ['dev', 'testers', 'prod'], description: 'Select to which 
deploy-to', name: 'deploy-to'

stage('Clean WS'){
cleanWs deleteDirs: true, patterns: [[pattern: '**/*.hg/**', type: 'EXCLUDE'
stage('Copy Archive - build-01') {
when {
environment ignoreCase: true, name: 'deploy-to', value: 'dev'
beforeAgent true
steps {
script {
step ([$class: 'CopyArtifact',
projectName: 'build-01',
filter: "*.*",
target: 'build-01']);
stage('Copy Archive - build-02') {
when {
environment ignoreCase: true, name: 'deploy-to', value: 'test'
beforeAgent true

steps {
script {
step ([$class: 'CopyArtifact',
projectName: 'build-02',
filter: "*.*",
target: 'build-02']);

stage('Copy Archive - build-01 and build-02') {
when {
environment ignoreCase: true, name: 'deploy-to', value: 'prod'
beforeAgent true

input {
message 'Are you sure that you would like to deploy to production?'
id 'ProdDeployment'
ok 'Are you sure'
submitter 'any'
parameters {
password defaultValue: 'No', description: 'Password to production', name: 

steps {
// here I will check the Password-to-production
script {
step ([$class: 'CopyArtifact',
projectName: 'build-01',
filter: "*.*",
target: 'build-01']);

script {
step ([$class: 'CopyArtifact',
projectName: 'build-02',
filter: "*.*",
target: 'build-02']);


archiveArtifacts '**/*.txt'

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