I have a Bitbucket Server Project.

I am using declarative Jenkinsfiles

All branches/PRs of all repos in the Project are built if they have a 
Jenkinsfile. Wonderful.
The branches/PRs are built when there is new git activity. Wonderful.

There is one repo with 2 requirements that I'm stuck on:

1. It cannot run when anything else is running, not even other branches of 
itself. I already have disableConcurrentBuilds() but then I can still run 
different branches in parallel and I don't want that. I know about the 
Build Blocker plugin and I would put this in my Jenkinsfile, but I don't 
know where to put it:

    blockOn('.*') {

2. That particular job, any branch of it, is only allowed to start between 
specific hours, regardless of how it got triggered. I don't know how to put 
that in my Jenkinsfile. I looked at quietPeriod and rateLimitBuilds, but 
they seem to be for something else.

I had a third question about how to schedule it with cron, but I found that 
myself already:

triggers {
    cron('H H(0-6) * * 1-5')

meaning anywhere between midnight and 6 AM on work days.

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