Hello Pradeep,

You could use the Run Selector 
<https://github.com/jenkinsci/run-selector-plugin> plugin to get the 
previous build, and determine where you are in the sequence based on that 
and on the current time of day.
It returns a RunWrapper 
instance, which you can query using many methods 
including methods that you can use to determine if you are at the first 
build of the day.

Hope this helps,

On Saturday, February 9, 2019 at 2:16:55 AM UTC-5, Pradeep Drall wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to save the build file (ipa and apk file) with unique name 
> (like current date+new build number), build number should be reset every 
> day based on Jenkins job like
> 20190209.*1*
> 20190209.*2*
> 20190209.3
> 20190209.4
> 20190210.*1*
> 20190210*.2*
> 20190210.3
> 20190210.4
> I tried in build name setter plugin but couldn't reset build number every 
> day.
> This functionality is available in TFS like $(date:yyyyMMdd)$(rev:.r).
> Please suggest me how to implement this approach in jenkins job.
> Regards,
> Pradeep

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