SM-7 Missing secure flag on session ID 

In secure HTTPS applications, cookies must have the “Secure” flag set. The 
“Secure” flag informs browsers that a cookie should only be sent on 
connections that are encrypted with SSL. 

Without the “secure” flag, the non-encrypted HTTP domain for the 
application receives same-origin access to cookies set by the secure HTTPS 
domain; browsers will send unencrypted plaintext copies of cookies without 
the “secure” flag. 

Because any attacker on the Internet can fake the non-encrypted HTTP domain 
(it’s the encryption provided by TLS in HTTPS that prevents that from 
happening), and because cookies usually form the core of the authentication 
and authorization model of a web application, failing to set the “Secure” 
flag negates much of the security provided by SSL. 

RECOMMENDATION: Consult framework documentation to set the “Secure” flag on 
the cookie. Setting the “Secure” flag is usually simple; the framework may 
have a configuration setting that ensures all cookies are “Secure”, almost 
always provides a configuration option to ensure the Session cookie is 
“Secure”, and will usually offer the “Secure” flag as an option on the line 
of code that creates any given cookie.

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