I figured out the issue, and actually got version pinning down for the 
Jenkins Plugins.


import jenkins.model.Jenkins
import hudson.util.VersionNumber

// Create a reference to the PluginManager Class.
pm = Jenkins.instance.pluginManager
// Create a reference to the UpdateCenter Class.
uc = Jenkins.instance.updateCenter

// Disable all the  plugins on the system first.
pm.plugins.each { plugin ->

// Used to make sure that the plugins actually installed, and whether or not
// they actually deployed.
deployed = false

 * activatePlugins is a recursive function that installs and enables the plugins
 * and their dependencies.
 * However, these don't actually do any version pinning, and picks the latest
 * versions of the plugins.
 * @param plugin [Object]
 * @return nil
def activatePlugin(plugin) {
  if (!plugin.isEnabled()) {
      deployed = true

  plugin.getDependencies().each {

  'ant':'1.9',                           // v1.9
  'build-timeout':'1.19',                // v1.19
  'credentials':'2.1.18',                // v2.1.18
  'email-ext':'2.63',                    // v2.63
  'github-branch-source':'2.4.1',        // v2.4.1
  'gradle':'1.29',                       // v1.29
  'jobConfigHistory':'2.19',             // v2.19
  'ldap':'1.20',                         // v1.20
  'matrix-auth':'2.3',                   // v2.3
  'antisamy-markup-formatter': '1.5',    // v1.5
  'pam-auth':'1.4',                      // v1.4
  'workflow-aggregator':'2.6',           // v2.6
  'pipeline-github-lib':'1.0',           // v1.0
  'ssh-slaves':'1.29.1',                 // v1.29.1
  'subversion':'2.12.1',                 // v2.12.1
  'timestamper':'1.8.10',                // v1.8.10
  'ws-cleanup':'0.37'                    // v0.37
].each { plugin, version ->
  if (! pm.getPlugin(plugin)) {
    VersionNumber versionNumber = new VersionNumber(version)
    deployment = uc.getPlugin(plugin, versionNumber).deploy(true)

// Do a simple verification that the plugins did deploy, then restart Jankins
if (deployed) {

Now I can pin the version of the plugins, and export the GitHub Source 
Branch job config and make sure everything works the same. I also need to 
run the plugin install once, get a list of all the plugins, and then 
specify those because I'm sure the dependencies of the plugins aren't' very 
well versioned or are looser than what I'm doing. 

On Tuesday, December 18, 2018 at 5:55:00 PM UTC-6, Phillip Dudley wrote:
> Well, now I don't know why my script isn't working. I had to modify it to 
> remove the version numbers, just to get the thing to work. The blog, 
> https://qiita.com/aespinosa/items/5d791310f0cb436eb71f works if I copy 
> and paste their example,
> import jenkins.model.Jenkins;
> pm = Jenkins.instance.pluginManager
> uc = Jenkins.instance.updateCenter
> pm.plugins.each { plugin ->
> plugin.disable()
> }
> deployed = false
> def activatePlugin(plugin) {
> if (! plugin.isEnabled()) {
>   plugin.enable()
>   deployed = true
> }
> plugin.getDependencies().each {
>   activatePlugin(pm.getPlugin(it.shortName))
> }
> }
> ["git", "workflow-aggregator", "github-oauth", "job-dsl", 
> "extended-read-permission"].each {
> if (! pm.getPlugin(it)) {
>   deployment = uc.getPlugin(it).deploy(true)
>   deployment.get()
> }
> activatePlugin(pm.getPlugin(it))
> }
> if (deployed) {
> Jenkins.instance.restart()
> }
> but as soon as I add my own Array, I get a nullpointerexception saying 
> that it can't call deploy() with null objects.
> import jenkins.model.Jenkins;
> pm = Jenkins.instance.pluginManager
> uc = Jenkins.instance.updateCenter
> pm.plugins.each { plugin ->
>   plugin.disable()
> }
> deployed = false
> /**
>  *
>  */
> def activatePlugin(plugin) {
>   if (! plugin.isEnabled()) {
>     plugin.enable()
>       deployed = true
>   }
>   plugin.getDependencies().each {
>     activatePlugin(pm.getPlugin(it.shortName))
>   }
> }
> /** this works.
> [
>   "git", 
>   "workflow-aggregator", 
>   "github-oauth", 
>   "job-dsl", 
>   "extended-read-permission"
> ].each {
>   if (! pm.getPlugin(it)) {
>     deployment = uc.getPlugin(it).deploy(true)
>       deployment.get()
>   }
>   activatePlugin(pm.getPlugin(it))
> }
> */
> [
>   "ant",
>   "build-timeout",
>   "credentials",
>   "email-ext",
>   "github-branch-source:",
>   "gradle",
>   "jobConfigHistory",
>   "ldap",
>   "matrix-auth",
>   "antisamy-markup-formatter",
>   "pam-auth",
>   "pipeline",
>   "pipeline-github-lib",
>   "ssh-slaves",
>   "subversion",
>   "timestamper",
>   "ws-cleanup"
> ].each {
>   if (! pm.getPlugin(it)) {
>     deployment = uc.getPlugin(it).deploy(true)
>       deployment.get()
>   }
>   activatePlugin(pm.getPlugin(it))
> }
> Currently, it makes no sense. To me those are structured the same, but the 
> second array doesn't work. 
> On Tuesday, December 18, 2018 at 3:21:52 PM UTC-6, Phillip Dudley wrote:
>> What I ended up doing is using what I had previously to setup Jenkins, 
>> login, and install the Job Configuration History plugin, and got the output 
>> of the config.xml. For whatever reason, doing the 
>> http://JENKINSURL:8080/job/NAME/config.xml would just result in a blank 
>> page, and not actually show the configuration of the GitHub Source Branch 
>> job. 
>> However, I noticed that the config is tied very specifically to specific 
>> versions of Plugins. I can install plugins, but if those change, then they 
>> break my job.
>> /**
>>  * activatePlugin activates given plugins.
>>  * The plugin parameter is a pluginManager object(?)
>>  * 
>>  * @param plugin [Object]
>>  * 
>>  * @return nil 
>>  */
>> def activatePlugin(plugin) {
>>   // If our specified plugin isn't enabled, enable it.
>>   if (! plugin.isEnabled()) {
>>     plugin.enable()
>>     // Set our state to true.
>>     deployed = true
>>   }
>>   // Go through each dependency of our plugins, and enable those.
>>   // Otherwise our plugins wouldn't work even if they're installed.
>>   plugin.getDependencies().each {
>>     activatePlugin(pluginManager.getPlugin(it.shortName))
>>   }
>> }
>> // As of 2018-12-18
>> def plugin_list = [
>>   "ant:1.9",
>>   "build-timeout:1.19",
>>   "email-ext:2.63",
>>   "github-branch-source:2.4.1",
>>   "gradle:1.29",
>>   "ldap:1.20",
>>   "matrix-auth:2.3",
>>   "antisamy-markup-formatter:1.5",
>>   "pam-auth:1.4",
>>   "pipeline:2.6",
>>   "pipeline-github-lib:1.0",
>>   "ssh-slaves:1.29.1",
>>   "subversion:2.12.1",
>>   "timestamper:1.8.10",
>>   "ws-cleanup:0.37",
>> ]
>> // Loop through all of the plugins and install/update and activate them.
>> plugin_list.each { plugin ->
>>   // If the plugin isn't being installed, update it.
>>   if (! pluginManager.getPlugin(plugin)) {
>>     deployment = updateCenter.getPlugin(plugin).deploy(true)
>>     deployment.get()
>>   }
>>   // Activate the plugin and all of its dependencies.
>>   activatePlugin(pluginManager.getPlugin(plugin))
>> }
>> However, there is an overloaded method in the updateCenter called 
>> getPlugin(String name, and VersionNumber version)
>>    - 
>> https://javadoc.jenkins.io/hudson/model/UpdateCenter.html#getPlugin-java.lang.String-hudson.util.VersionNumber-
>> I'm not sure where to find the VersionNumber or how to get that to give 
>> to this method. 
>> On Friday, December 14, 2018 at 3:46:05 PM UTC-6, Phillip Dudley wrote:
>>> Would anyone have any pointers to configuring the GitHub Organization 
>>> Item/Job with Groovy so that when my Jenkins instance starts up, it reads 
>>> the 
>>> $JENKINS_HOME/init.groovy.d/
>>> folder and configures a default job to perform GitHub Organization 
>>> scanning for Jenkinsfiles? 
>>> I've got most of the other stuff I need such as setting banners, 
>>> installing plugins, configuring default Jenkins users and assigning them 
>>> permissions via the matrix-auth plugin. Even finally hooked up to LDAP and 
>>> I can authenticate. However, I don't seem to find too much on configuring 
>>> that plugin except through the UI. Most of my Googling returns results for 
>>> using Jenkinsfiles, or Groovy tutorials, but not actually setting up and 
>>> configuring that plugin. 
>>> TL;DR,
>>> Looking for a direction to learn how to configure the GitHub 
>>> Organization job to scan my GitHub Organization for Jenkinsfiles and start 
>>> performing Jobs. 

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