
I have the slack <https://plugins.jenkins.io/slack> & job-dsl 
<https://plugins.jenkins.io/job-dsl> plugins installed & configured in my 
jenkins instance.

I run the seed job for the following my-slack.groovy file:

job("myfolder/myjob") {
  steps {
      echo "hello"

  publishers {
    // See 
for an e.g. of how to call 'slackNotifier'. And the
    // source code is at: 
    slackNotifier {


      String buildURL = System.getenv("BUILD_URL")
      String otherBuildURL = "\$BUILD_URL"
      customMessage("BUILD_URL=\$BUILD_URL buildURL={$buildURL} 
  } // publishers
} // job

(Note that BUILD_URL is listed on the jenkins Available Environment 
Variables <https://jenkins.pearsonvue.com/env-vars.html/> page.)

When I run the job, the notification I receive in my Slack channel has the 
following text: 

BUILD_URL=http://jenkins-ui:8080/job/myfolder/job/myjob/12/ buildURL=*null*

But what I would like to do is (when myjob is run - not when the seed job 
is run) be able to get a copy of BUILD_URL and edit the copy and include 
that in customMessage. Is there any way to do that? (e.g. perhaps with the 
Plugin <https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Scriptler+Plugin>?)

e.g. when I add the following code to my-slack.groovy (right after the line 
where otherBuildURL is initially declared):

otherBuildURL += "console"

then I get this in the Slack notification:


To sum this up: what I'm going for is whenever myjob is run, I would like 
the Slack notification text to include a link to the console output - e.g.: 


(Please let me know if I should instead direct this post somewhere else - 
e.g. the job-dsl-plugin 
<https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/job-dsl-plugin> group.)

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. thanks!

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