
When I execute a publish to a CIFS share with the following command in the 
Jenkinsfile (in the root of the project in Subversion):

cifsPublisher(publishers: [[configName: 'Published_prerelease', transfers: 
[[cleanRemote: false, excludes: '', flatten: false, makeEmptyDirs: false, 
noDefaultExcludes: false, patternSeparator: '', remoteDirectory: 
'${BUILD_TAG}/pls', remoteDirectorySDF: false, removePrefix: 'output/pls', 
sourceFiles: 'output/pls/'],
 [cleanRemote: false, excludes: '', flatten: false, makeEmptyDirs: false, 
noDefaultExcludes: false, patternSeparator: '', remoteDirectory: 
'${BUILD_TAG}/src', remoteDirectorySDF: false, removePrefix: 
'sources/progress', sourceFiles: 'sources/progress/bmp*/**'], 
 [cleanRemote: false, excludes: '', flatten: true, makeEmptyDirs: false, 
noDefaultExcludes: false, patternSeparator: '', remoteDirectory: 
'${BUILD_TAG}/wrx', remoteDirectorySDF: false, removePrefix: 
'sources/progress', sourceFiles: 'sources/progress/src*/**.wrx']],
usePromotionTimestamp: false, useWorkspaceInPromotion: false, verbose: false]])

Then I get the following error on execute:

ERROR: Exception when publishing, exception message [Failed to remove prefix 
from file named [Jenkinsfile]. Prefix [output/pls/] must be present in all file 

It looks like it is ignoring the sourceFiles option. I do not know why. The 
sample code is generated by Jenkins itself with the Pipeline Syntax generator. 
Could someone point me to the right direction to make this work?

System info:
Jenkins ver. 2.107.2
Publish Over CIFS 0.10

Kind regards,

Roel de Wildt

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