Hi all,

I stumbled over a behaviour that I do not quite understand.

In our organisation we have a couple of Jenkins master running. Mixed 
between Linux based and Windows based masters.
We have one Java application repository where the responsible team created 
a Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline project on a Linux master. On this 
environment the build of pull requests runs w/o problems. This job was now 
moved to a Windows based Jenkins master and we see the following problems 
with the pull requests:

hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Command "git checkout -f 
a2e753c586b2dbf4ea2a101d49dcaa9cf0710147" returned status code 128:
stderr: error: unable to create file <path to file>: Filename too long

Builds for existing branches on the other hand can successfully run on 
both instances.
The main difference I saw is that for the pull request build the 
repository is initially checked out on master:
Checking out git <our github enterprise instance> into 
to read Jenkinsfile

Whereas the master branch build does not perform this checkout on the 
Jenkins master.

Could you let me know if this is the expected behaviour and if you are 
aware of any possible workarounds?

Mit freundlichen Gruessen/Best regards,

Christian Beushausen
Interior Systems & Technology

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Continental Automotive GmbH
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