Hello again, thinking ... could it be that this instance is used to compile 
the project? Since I do that part in a separate method, I would not need 
it. Is this possible?

El miércoles, 4 de abril de 2018, 12:55:06 (UTC+2), Virginia Mesa escribió:
> Good, I'm doing a groovy pipeline for an artifact upload to Artifactory. 
> The project is NPM, and I know that for Gradle or Maven it is necessary to 
> create a type instance:
> def server = Artifactory.server(env.ARTIFACTORY_ID)
> def rtGradle = Artifactory.newGradleBuild()
> or 
> def server = Artifactory.server(env.ARTIFACTORY_ID)
> def rtMaven = Artifactory.newMavenBuild()
> I searched the internet, and for NPM I do not find anything like it. You 
> know if it exists, or it would simply be like this:
> def compilation_artifactory(String artifactorydirectory, String proyecto, 
> String version){
> def server = Artifactory.server(ARTIFACTORY_ID)
> def uploadSpec = """{
> "files": [
> {
> "pattern": "${proyecto}-${version}*.tgz",
> "target": "${artifactorydirectory}/${proyecto}/",
> }
> ]
> }"""
> def buildInfoUpload = server.upload spec: uploadSpec
> return buildInfoUpload
> }
> Thanks!!!

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