Hi All,

Thanks for everyone's help. I made a big mistake. So it was my problem.

Thank you.


On Thursday, February 1, 2018 at 11:18:39 AM UTC+8, desmo...@docdoc.com 
> Thanks Giles for the update.
> Hi All,
> I have another issue, I'm doing the deliver (from the tutorial) and I'm 
> getting this error
> ./jenkins/scripts/deliver.sh: not found 
> Do I need to put the file in?
> Desmond
> On Thursday, February 1, 2018 at 6:59:55 AM UTC+8, Giles Gaskell wrote:
>> Hi all and thanks Damien,
>> Just letting everyone know that a new version of the Docker Pipeline 
>> plugin (i.e. version 1.15) was released yesterday (
>> https://plugins.jenkins.io/docker-workflow) and so if you update this 
>> plugin on your Jenkins instances (via Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins) to 
>> this version (or later), these tutorials will resume running successfully 
>> again.
>> Cheers,
>> Giles.
>> On Tuesday, January 30, 2018 at 9:56:01 PM UTC+11, Damien Duportal wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> you did everything good, it is just that the plugin had not been 
>>> released yet with the fix (it is "merged" on the master branch, but not 
>>> released yet).
>>> The releases at the "Code" level can be found here: 
>>> https://github.com/jenkinsci/docker-workflow-plugin/releases .
>>> => The last one is 1.1.4.
>>> On the plugin website, where the plugins you install in Jenkins 
>>> generally come from, it is also at the 1.14 version: 
>>> https://plugins.jenkins.io/docker-workflow .
>>> With the FOSDEM at the end of the week, I suppose the maintainers are 
>>> busy travelling / sleeping. Let's wait a bit on this.
>>> Thanks for taking time for putting the feedback together!
>>> Damien
>>> On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 4:10 AM <desmo...@docdoc.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> I've updated all the plug-in for jenkins but I still can't get the 
>>>> tutorial to work. I'm getting this error when it runs
>>>> [simple-java-maven-app] Running shell script
>>>> sh: can't create 
>>>> /var/jenkins_home/workspace/simple-java-maven-app@tmp/durable-3b228035/jenkins-log.txt:
>>>> nonexistent directory
>>>> sh: can't create 
>>>> /var/jenkins_home/workspace/simple-java-maven-app@tmp/durable-3b228035/jenkins-result.txt:
>>>> nonexistent directory
>>>> script returned exit code -2
>>>> I've even tried reinstall everything, but I'm still getting this error.
>>>> Is it still an issue or am I the only one having this problem
>>>> I'm using a MacBook Pro on High Sierra.
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> On Wednesday, January 24, 2018 at 11:12:58 AM UTC+8, Giles Gaskell 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>> Just a quick follow-up ...
>>>>> It's possible that this issue may have resulted from recent changes in 
>>>>> Docker behavior (i.e. in recent Docker versions) which were no longer 
>>>>> being 
>>>>> handled correctly by the Jenkins Docker Pipeline plugin.
>>>>> Once this PR (
>>>>> https://github.com/jenkinsci/docker-workflow-plugin/pull/128) is 
>>>>> merged and a new version of this plugin released, then these tutorials 
>>>>> should start working again (as documented).
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Giles.
>>>>> On Wednesday, January 24, 2018 at 12:10:09 PM UTC+11, Giles Gaskell 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>> Thanks so much for all the sleuthing work Damien - you've hit the nail 
>>>>>> on the head with this one.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Giles.
>>>>>> On 24 January 2018 at 00:43, Damien Duportal <ddup...@cloudbees.com> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> This issue is related to the "Docker Pipeline" plugin 
>>>>>>> ("docker-workflow") which has an issue when trying to determine if the 
>>>>>>> executor (master or agent) is running inside a container.
>>>>>>> See issue/PR #120 of "docker-workflow-plugin", in particular 
>>>>>>> https://github.com/jenkinsci/docker-workflow-plugin/pull/120#issuecomment-357284756
>>>>>>> which is for the standard "docker".
>>>>>>> Here is my work list items to diagnose this:
>>>>>>> * The tutorials are working quite well with some older version of 
>>>>>>> Docker (example: 17.09)
>>>>>>> * When the tutorial is not working, wee the build failing, and 
>>>>>>> before the error message "sh....not found...", we have a difference in 
>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>> logs: it says "Jenkins does not seem to be running inside a container".
>>>>>>>   - We can also see the "docker run" commands issued by the 
>>>>>>> docker-workflow plugin: 
>>>>>>>     > BEFORE: "--volumes-from <SOME_CONTAINER_ID>"
>>>>>>>     > AFTER: "-v /var/jenkins_home/....:/var/jenkins_home/....."
>>>>>>> * This log message come from this piece of code on the plugin 
>>>>>>> (v.1.14 when writing those lines): 
>>>>>>> https://github.com/jenkinsci/docker-workflow-plugin/blob/docker-workflow-1.14/src/main/java/org/jenkinsci/plugins/docker/workflow/WithContainerStep.java#L158-L182
>>>>>>> * As Far as I Understand, The function 
>>>>>>> "getContainerIdIfContainerized()" is returning the Optional.absent() 
>>>>>>> String 
>>>>>>> when it is not working, so the condition is false.
>>>>>>> * This function is implemented here: 
>>>>>>> https://github.com/jenkinsci/docker-workflow-plugin/blob/docker-workflow-1.14/src/main/java/org/jenkinsci/plugins/docker/workflow/client/DockerClient.java#L311
>>>>>>> * Before diving in the code (and because I really suck at 
>>>>>>> reading/writing code), I first checked my cgroup self file to see what 
>>>>>>> it 
>>>>>>> looks like (smelling Pattern issue...): 
>>>>>>> https://gist.github.com/dduportal/67f965dd935b4fb7d316b798f2a6c2ef
>>>>>>>   - While someone with the tutorial working got this: 
>>>>>>> https://gist.github.com/dduportal/0ac5e5c76043e95fa0b5ff85c1b0c93e
>>>>>>> * See the diff? "/docker/" vs. "/docker-ce/".
>>>>>>> * Searching the Internet made it easy to catch 
>>>>>>> https://github.com/jenkinsci/docker-workflow-plugin/pull/120 
>>>>>>> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fjenkinsci%2Fdocker-workflow-plugin%2Fpull%2F120&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFO2zgP4yVVxTTAewZLhKG-QxX4Bw>
>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>> => The constant used to get the cgroup pattern to catch has to be 
>>>>>>> improved (short term) in order to catch the new patterns: "docker-ce", 
>>>>>>> "docker-ee", "kubernetes" ones and "ecs".
>>>>>>> => This to be solved need to see an update of the plugin with this 
>>>>>>> fix at least. Long term would be to find another way of detecting the 
>>>>>>> container inception, or providing customizable configs for this.
>>>>>>> On Monday, January 22, 2018 at 5:49:08 AM UTC+1, Giles Gaskell wrote:
>>>>>>>> Thanks for your speedy reply Mark,
>>>>>>>> I ended up raising a bug report here: 
>>>>>>>> https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-49063
>>>>>>>> This behavior is definitely manifesting itself through the Jenkins 
>>>>>>>> LTS release 2.89.3. In fact, I'm using a recent update of the 
>>>>>>>> "jenkinsci/blueocean" Docker image - see the "Environment" details in 
>>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>>> bug report above.
>>>>>>>> Incidentally, I also tried this out on the latest weekly release of 
>>>>>>>> the "jenkins/jenkins" Docker image (i.e. 2.103) but received a 
>>>>>>>> different 
>>>>>>>> error because unlike the "jenkinsci/blueocean" Docker image's 
>>>>>>>> container, 
>>>>>>>> the "docker" command doesn't appear to be available in the 
>>>>>>>> "jenkins/jenkins" container. Hence, I got the error:
>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>> [simple-java-maven-app] Running shell script
>>>>>>>> + docker pull maven:3-alpine
>>>>>>>> /var/jenkins_home/workspace/simple-java-maven-app@tmp/durable-9030abcd/script.sh:
>>>>>>>>> 2: 
>>>>>>>>> /var/jenkins_home/workspace/simple-java-maven-app@tmp/durable-9030abcd/script.sh:
>>>>>>>>> docker: not found 
>>>>>>>>> [Pipeline] } 
>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>> Giles
>>>>>>>> On Monday, January 22, 2018 at 2:03:31 PM UTC+11, Mark Waite wrote:
>>>>>>>>> That sounds like a bug.  
>>>>>>>>> Is this with the long-term support release (2.89.3) or with a 
>>>>>>>>> weekly release (like 2.102).
>>>>>>>>> If it is a weekly release, is the same problem visible in a weekly 
>>>>>>>>> release prior to 2.102?  The 2.102 release includes a security 
>>>>>>>>> improvement 
>>>>>>>>> (JEP-200) which detected several places that need further changes.
>>>>>>>>> If it is with LTS or an earlier weekly release, submit a bug 
>>>>>>>>> report ( 
>>>>>>>>> https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/How+to+report+an+issue ).
>>>>>>>>> Mark Waite
>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Jan 21, 2018 at 7:04 PM Giles Gaskell <
>>>>>>>>> ggas...@cloudbees.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>> I recently saw someone raise this issue 
>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jenkins-docs/simple-java-maven-app/issues/11> 
>>>>>>>>>> in the GitHub repository that the Build a Java app with Maven 
>>>>>>>>>> <https://jenkins.io/doc/tutorials/build-a-java-app-with-maven/> 
>>>>>>>>>> tutorial 
>>>>>>>>>> uses.
>>>>>>>>>> This issue shows the output of the Pipeline run with the typical 
>>>>>>>>>> failures that happen fairly early on:
>>>>>>>>>> sh: can't create 
>>>>>>>>>>> /var/jenkins_home/workspace/sjma@tmp/durable-cd13b59e/jenkins-log.txt:
>>>>>>>>>>> nonexistent directory
>>>>>>>>>>> sh: can't create 
>>>>>>>>>>> /var/jenkins_home/workspace/sjma@tmp/durable-cd13b59e/jenkins-result.txt:
>>>>>>>>>>> nonexistent directory
>>>>>>>>>> I even began running though this tutorial myself and encountered 
>>>>>>>>>> the same problem... I would also expect the same problematic output 
>>>>>>>>>> in most 
>>>>>>>>>> of the other tutorials.
>>>>>>>>>> Essentially, the tutorial asks the reader to do the following:
>>>>>>>>>>    1. Install Jenkins in Docker (locally on your computer).
>>>>>>>>>>    2. Fork the sample GitHub repository and clone it locally to 
>>>>>>>>>>    your computer.
>>>>>>>>>>    3. Create your Jenkinsfile within your locally cloned repo on 
>>>>>>>>>>    the your computer.
>>>>>>>>>>    4. Run the declarative Pipeline in Jenkins.
>>>>>>>>>> Puzzled as to why this might be happening, I found this closed 
>>>>>>>>>> issue <https://github.com/jenkinsci/docker/issues/626> in the 
>>>>>>>>>> jenkinsci/docker GitHub project which seems to shed a bit of 
>>>>>>>>>> light on the problem. However, I wasn't quite sure if the actual 
>>>>>>>>>> problem 
>>>>>>>>>> (be it a change or issue with the Jenkins Docker image or Docker 
>>>>>>>>>> itself) 
>>>>>>>>>> was clearly identified.
>>>>>>>>>> Since lots of people use these tutorials (i.e. from 
>>>>>>>>>> September/October last year, over 900 people have forked the 
>>>>>>>>>> simple-java-maven-app repository used by this first tutorial), I 
>>>>>>>>>> am keen to identify the cause of this issue (and potentially fix the 
>>>>>>>>>> tutorial content asap so that the tutorials will start working 
>>>>>>>>>> again).
>>>>>>>>>> Therefore, does anyone here have any suggestions as what might be 
>>>>>>>>>> the cause of this issue and/or how I might amend the tutorials to 
>>>>>>>>>> get them 
>>>>>>>>>> working again. For example, are there additional options I could add 
>>>>>>>>>> to the docker 
>>>>>>>>>> run ... command?
>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Giles.
>>>>>>>>>> P.S. I am keen to keep using the Jenkins Docker container method 
>>>>>>>>>> for running Jenkins since this is a convenient way to get Jenkins up 
>>>>>>>>>> and 
>>>>>>>>>> running locally.
>>>>>>>>>> -- 
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>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Giles Gaskell
>>>>>> Senior Technical Writer
>>>>>> Cloudbees, Inc.
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>>> -- 
>>> Damien DUPORTAL
>>> Training Engineer
>>> CloudBees, Inc.
>>> <https://mail.google.com/>
>>> [image: CloudBees-Logo.png] <http://www.cloudbees.com/>
>>> M: +33650833776 | +32472972006
>>> E: ddup...@cloudbees.com
>>> Skype: damien.duportal
>>> Twitter: @DamienDuportal

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