I have job like below, *createDeployment* comes from sharedlibrary, and 
just calling 'build job' with passed params.

Triggered job (deployment) have post action to delete deployment if 
anything wrong happened. When deployment fail triggered job call post 
actions but only archiveArtifacts, cleaning deployment don't work.

Deployment job error like below (exit 1 is what I want to get when error 
occur in powershell script)

ERROR: script returned exit code 1
Finished: FAILURE

post action in above job it's a bit complicated, but still jenkins don't 
even run it ( I put simple println to check if it go into it)

*@Library('MySharedLibrary') _*

*    agent { node { label 'some-label'} }*

*    stages {*
*        stage('Create Deployment') {*
*            steps {*
*                deleteDir()*

*                createDeployment branchName: "master",*
*                                 name: "runonmaster"*
*            }*
*        }*

*        ...*

*    post {*
*        always {*
*            sendNotifications currentBuild.result*
*        }*
*    }*

post action in deployment job

        post {
            always {
                archiveArtifacts "${name}*.txt"
                script {
                    new NotificationSender().cloudNotify(buildStatus: 

new NotificationSender().cloudNotify() -> sending email, call job for 
remove deployment

But I get only artifacts

[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions)
Archiving artifacts
[Pipeline] step
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // ws
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
[BFA] Scanning build for known causes...
[BFA] No failure causes found
[BFA] Done. 0s
ERROR: script returned exit code 1
Finished: FAILURE

What goes wrong?

In powershell script, there's a check point, if for eq deployment already 
exists, throw exception

So, I wanted to catch status:

    def status = powershell returnStatus: true, script: """
    . .CreateDeploy.ps1
    Deploy -installationName $pipeline.name 
    if(status != 0) { powershell ("Write-Error \"Ooops, an error 
occured\"") }

in jenkins log I get
1) Exception from powershell -> throw "deployment exists"
2) WriteError step -> Ooops, an error occured

How to make this post action to run?

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