Hi All , 

Recently i have upgraded jenkins to 2.87 from 1.611 . 

But i am facing issue with groovy . I am not able to access groovy 
variables in shell . Its giving empty value. 

Here is example : 

In system groovy script : 

  def project = new XmlSlurper().parse(new File("$workspace/pom.xml"))
  def ARTIFACT_VERSION=project.version.toString(); 

  println ARTIFACT_VERSION                                                  
    ==================> It is returning correct value. 

But if i am pring same variable in shell 

  echo $ARTIFACT_VERSION                                                  
===================> it is not printing anything with jenkins 2.X ( but it 
is working fine with jenkins 1.X) 

Is there any specific changes require to access groovy  variables in shell 
? may be syntax or some plugins upgrade ?  

Thanks ,

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