Node is a build step. Any build steps can be run in a declarative pipeline, 
but you can also specify which node to use with 'agent' on a declarative 
pipeline. Everything runs initially on a flyweight executor on the master. 
Then it farms out the heavy lifting to the appropriate nodes you specify. 
If you don't specify a node or agent properly, you end up running 
everything on the flyweight executor. Setting executors to 0 on the master 
doesn't change that. It just prevents you from using 'agent' or 'node' to 
put the heavy lifting on the master. 

On Monday, November 6, 2017 at 8:41:41 AM UTC-7, itchymuzzle wrote:
> I thought “node” was a scripted pipeline thing, but item #4 in this:  [
> seems to disagree with that.  
> So I am suppose to use “node” to ensure the Jenkins master doesn’t do any 
> work?  Doesn’t setting executors to zero also ensure that?
> Thanks

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