
I nbeed in a jenkins pipeline to have an access to a http_proxy.

In my environment variables in my Jenkinsfile I've etted my http proxy and 
an env var named TOTO, then in one of my steps I checked if env var exists:

environment {
        http_proxy = 'http://xxx:xxx'
stages {
        stage('xxx') {
            when { anyOf { branch "${env.STABLE_BRANCH}"; branch 
"${http://env.DEV _BRANCH}" } }
    steps {
                            sh 'env'
                            sh 'env | grep TOTO'
                            sh 'env | grep http_proxy'

Résultats : 

[...S3MX7KBEQ] Running shell script
+ env
+ grep TOTO
[Pipeline] sh
[...S3MX7KBEQ] Running shell script
+ env
+ grep http_proxy
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }

TOTO var eists but not http proxy ?!

I need this http proxy in my pipeline. is it something i missed?


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