Did you get this working?
Your problem was caused by mixing Groovy code within a shell command block.

                     sh """
                        git clone -b master 
                        cd ${repoName}

                        stat -t . > folderStat1.txt
                        for (String moduleName : moduleList) {
                           ncu -u -f "${moduleName}"

                        stat -t . > folderStat2.txt

should probably be:

                     sh """
                        git clone -b master 
                        cd ${repoName}

                        stat -t . > folderStat1.txt
                        stat -t . > folderStat2.txt
                     for (String moduleName : moduleList) {
                        sh """
                           ncu -u -f "${moduleName}"

Good luck!


Från: jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com 
[mailto:jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com] För Idan Adar
Skickat: den 7 augusti 2017 14:49
Till: Jenkins Users <jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com>
Kopia: Joachim Nilsson <joachim.nils...@miljodata.se>
Ämne: Re: Accessing a variable in shell

I have tried this, but it complains:

groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: moduleName for class: 

Here is the full Jenkinsfile:
The majority of it can be disregarded... the issue at hand is the use of the 
variables, ${repoName}, ${moduleName}, etc...

ReposToUpdate and npmDependencies are Extended choice parameters e.g.:

def repoList = ReposToUpdate.tokenize(",");
def moduleList = npmDependencies.tokenize(",");

pipeline {
   agent {
      label 'cert_mgmt'

   stages {
      stage ("Update package.json") {
         steps {
            script {
               for (String repoName : repoList) {
                  sshagent (credentials: ['credentials-ID']) {
                     sh """
                        git clone -b master 
                        cd ${repoName}

                        stat -t . > folderStat1.txt
                        for (String moduleName : moduleList) {
                           ncu -u -f "${moduleName}"

                        stat -t . > folderStat2.txt

                     def folderStat1 = readFile('folderStat1.txt').trim()
                     def folderStat2 = readFile('folderStat2.txt').trim()

                     if (folderStat1 == folderStat2) {
                        slackSend (
                           color: '#199515',
                           message: "$JOB_NAME: <$BUILD_URL|Build 
#$BUILD_NUMBER> ${repoName}: Common code dependencies match the latest package 
                     else {
                        sh """
                           cd ${repoName}

                           git config --global user.name "****"
                           git config --global user.email ****
                           git commit -am 'Bump common packages version number 
[ci skip]'
                           git push origin master

                           cd ..
                           rm -rf ${repoName}

                        slackSend (
                           color: '#199515',
                           message: "$JOB_NAME: <$BUILD_URL|Build 
#$BUILD_NUMBER> ${repoName}: Common code dependencies successfully updated to 
the latest package versions."

   post {
      failure {
         slackSend (
            color: '#F01717',
            message: "$JOB_NAME: <$BUILD_URL|Build #$BUILD_NUMBER>, Update 
failed. Review the build logs."

On Sunday, July 30, 2017 at 10:48:39 PM UTC+3, Joachim Nilsson wrote:
As I understand, it is written in Groovy. That means you can access a variable 
in a (Groovy)string using dollar and optionally curly brackets.
"  variable value is ${variable} "
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Från: Idan Adar
Skickat: söndag 30 juli 13:56
Ämne: Accessing a variable in shell
Till: Jenkins Users

Given the following script block in a stage (Declarative pipeline), how can I 
access the repoName variable?
stages {
    stage("...") {
        script {
            for (String repoName: repoList) {
                sshagent (credentials: 
['e276113e-0ec9-4eaa-88f9-a7db5c9635b6']) {
                    sh """
                        git clone -b master 
                        cd repoName
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