Hi all-

I am attempting to perform a publishHTML post-build action in my Shared
Library pipeline code.  I am having a problem coming up with the correct

I am referencing the steps instance from my *vars/runFunctionalTests.groovy*
global variable:

*import *org.magento.ci.tests.Functional
*def *call() {

    node {
        *def *functionalTest = *new *Functional(*'Functional'*)


        parallel functionalTest.execute(steps, label_slave)


Snippet from Functional (*src/tests/Functional.groovy*) class of what I
have tried but have not been successful:


*def *execute(DSL steps, String agentLabel) {

    *// References to ArtifactArchiver and JUnitResultArchiver work fine.*

    steps.step([*$class*: *'ArtifactArchiver'*, *artifacts*: *'results/*,
*-results.tar.gz'*, *excludes*: *null*])
    steps.step([*$class*: *'JUnitResultArchiver'*, *allowEmptyResults*:
*true*, *testResults*: *'phpunit.xml'*])

    *// All of these attempts fail.*
    publishHTML([allowMissing: false, alwaysLinkToLastBuild: false,
keepAll: false, reportDir: 'results', reportFiles: 'report.html',
reportName: 'HTML Report', reportTitles: ''])

    steps.step([*$class*: *'htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget'*,
*allowMissing*: *false*, *alwaysLinkToLastBuild*: *false*, *keepAll*:
*false*, *reportDir*: *'results'*, *reportFiles*: *'report.html'*,
*reportName*: *'ACB HTML Report'*, *reportTitles*: *''*])

    *def *htmlReport = *new *htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget(*'ACB HTML
Report'*, *'results'*, *'report.html'*, *false*, *false*, *false*)


Thanks in advance,


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