The "mode" parameter is expected here since you are triggering a job copy
instead of a job creation (it's the same API endpoint, it differs only with
the number/kind of parameters).

To trigger a job creation, you need something like :

curl -v -XPOST 'http://
<JENKINS_IP>:<JENKINS_PORT>/createItem?name=bimbilimbimbim' --data-binary
@config.xml -H "Content-Type:text/xml" --user <username>:<API-Token>

With *config.xml *is a local file containing your new job configuration.

You can go to http://${JENKINS_IP}:${JENKINS_PORT}/api  with your browser
to have documentation about that (*Create Job* and *Copy Job*).

Hopefully it helps.

2017-07-31 3:44 GMT+02:00 Pradeep Patra <>:

> On Monday, July 31, 2017 at 7:21:08 AM UTC+8, mpapo - Michael Pailloncy
> wrote:
>>> I tried it and it is asking for mode? I am not sure what is the mode I
>>> should provide for creating new job. I tried passing  mode=create and it
>>> did not work.
>> Can you share the command line which you've tried please ?
> I planned to first try in GUI: http://<Jenkins-URL>:8080/
> createItem?name=testjob it gave me error that please specify a valid
> mode. Then I changed it to name=testjob & mode=create but it still did not
> work.
> curl -v -X POST http://<username>:<jenkins-pass>@<Machine-IP>:8080/
> createItem?name=newjob  –user <username>:<API-Token> --data-urlencode
> json='{"parameter": [{"name":"id", "value":"123"}, {"name":"verbosity",
> "value":"high"}]}'
> Can you please help here in this regard?
>>>> However, what do you mean by "for creating jobs based on a specific
>>>> build" ?
>>> I mean the new job should "execute shell" to package local packages. I
>>> guess that I can achieve with the buildWithParameters and by passing the
>>> command. If  you have any example could you please let me know.
>> You can find an example of a build trigger with parameters from command
>> line here
>> <>
>> .
>> --
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