
I am a bit confused how to handle sensitive information when using a shell 

In https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-37324 Sam Van Oort wrote 
 "Lots of discussion about how to separate sensitive and nonsensitive 
environment variable content (markers for data, whitelist/blacklist, or 
custom information in their EnvVars definitions) – *Jesse Glick* 
<https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=jglick> has 
suggested a clever approach:

to play with a different way of detecting secrets you would patch 
`BindingStep` and `MaskPasswordsBuildWrapper` to, say, not just set 
`PASSWORD=s3cr3t` but also `*PASSWORD+SECRET=true*`, and then document this 
somewhere like in `EnvironmentExpander`"

The question is, how do I hide sensitive information that *DO NOT* come 
from credential binding in the shell script header? 

String userAndPwd = "test:123" // this comes from an manual input step
def userAndPwdSECRET = true // Doesn't do anything ?! 

sh """
   set +x
   curl -u ${userAndPwd} https://www.google.com

In Blue Ocean I see "set +x curl -u test:123 https://www.google.com - Shell 

How can I mask out test:123 (=${userAndPwd})  in the shell script 
description header in Blue Ocean?

Many thanks to any answer in advance :-)


Am Dienstag, 11. Juli 2017 09:51:55 UTC+2 schrieb Jakub Pawlinski:

> Recently https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-37324 was solved. 
> In sprint review Sam Van Oort 
> <https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=svanoort> 
> demonstrated 
> the foundation for this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhiUY70RVJY&t=510 
> He mentions there possibility of having custom caption but I have found no 
> way to actually achieve it.
> Maybe you know how I could make a custom description of step in 
> declarative pipeline, far too simple example:
> stages {
>   stage('A') { 
>     steps {
>       bat "@echo Hello World"
>         }
>     }
> }
> How can I make it appear as "Hello World Step — Windows Batch Script" 
> instead of "@echo Hello World — Windows Batch Script" that I'm getting now.
> Thanks
> Jakub

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