Great thank you! That was exactly the information I was looking for.

[] On Behalf Of Richard Ginga
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2017 1:39 PM
Subject: Re: Jenkins Distributed Builds: Parameterized Jobs and the Ansible 
Plugin for Jenkins

Jason, all parameters are available in the environment of any slave/agent just 
like they were available when built on the master.

as far as ansible and python,  I would say you would need to install them on 
any build machine.

On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 11:26 AM, Jason LeMauk 
I currently have a parameterized build setup on my Jenkins master. As these 
parameters are accessible as environment variables, I'm using them in an 
ansible script via the ansible plugin.

We also have a distributed build architecture in place.

With a distributed build system, if this project is built on an Agent node as 
oppose to the Master node, will my ansible scripts still have access to the 
environment variables exposed in the parameterized build?
Also, I believe that in order to do this we will need the ansible plugin, 
ansible and python installed on the Jenkins Master's machine (as we will need 
to configure ansible in Jenkins in order to use the ansible plugin).

Would ansible and python also need to be installed on the Jenkins Agent in 
order to carry out the job on the Agent?

Thanks for any help! I'm fairly new to distributed builds and appreciate your 
patience and advice.

- Jason

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Dick Ginga
Build Engineer<>

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