Not sure what do you mean by "By default Jenkins supposes to be able to  
start docker containers on the same host as itself,". 
Because we are using Jenkins with AWS ECS cluster without any problems. And 
our slave nodes are different EC2 instances from master node. 

On Friday, May 19, 2017 at 10:20:52 AM UTC+3, Kirill Peskov wrote:
> Hi All, 
> I'm googling already about an hour if not longer, but I really cannot 
> find an answer to quite simple question: "How to setup Jenkins to 
> connect to a Docker host (or multiple Docker hosts later on) running on 
> a separate machine(s)? Docs on the site seem to be not really 
> verbose about such a setup... By default Jenkins supposes to be able to 
> start docker containers on the same host as itself, but that's not my 
> case. 
> Cheers, 
> Kirill 

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