
I am trying to invoke my declarative pipeline from shared libraries (so my 
jenkinsfile is as brief as possible) but it doesn't seem to work properly 
and the "pipeline" block seems to get executed, but functions like "when" 
are not evaluated...


def application = Constants.SONARQUBE_POC
def build = new 

Shared library:
// vim: set syntax=groovy:
// Author: 
// Description: Declarative Pipeline Bootstrap actions

package org.ppluk

String setupBuild(String applicationName, String nextVersion) {
pipeline {
    agent { label "Java" }
    tools { maven "M3" }
    stages {
        stage('test') {
            when { branch "feature/*" }
            steps {
                echo "helloworld"

Is what I am attempting to do actually possible? 

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