Hi Bill.
After many workarounds, I've finally hacked together a script that works, 
using your parsJsonToMap function.
My part looks a bit dirty to me, but I've lost so many hours on this that 
I'm glad I can finally carry on.

Here's what's working:

steps {
    echo "Deploying Develop Branch"
    withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'develop_credentials', variable: 
        script {
            MY_SECRET_FILE_CONTENT = sh (
                script: "cat ${MY_SECRET_FILE}",
                returnStdout: true
            def creds = parseJsonToMap(MY_SECRET_FILE_CONTENT)
            echo "Sending files to remote server"
            sh "rsync -uvr --delete --exclude-from 
${WORKSPACE}/CI/exclude-file.txt ${WORKSPACE}/* 

Thank you very much for your help and your time.


Le vendredi 10 mars 2017 02:51:25 UTC+1, Bill Dennis a écrit :
> Hi -
> Yes, I have done this JSON parse. Example on my Github:
> https://github.com/macg33zr/jenkins-experimental-pipelines/blob/master/json-parse-pipeline.groovy
> It is a bit ugly as it needs script approvals (or turn off pipeline 
> sandbox or put the code in a trusted global pipeline library).
> You need a NonCPS method like this:
> import groovy.json.JsonSlurperClassic
> @NonCPS
> def parseJsonToMap(String json) {
>     final slurper = new JsonSlurperClassic()
>     return new HashMap<>(slurper.parseText(json))
> }
> Another way to go would be a command line tool to parse JSON like this one:
> https://stedolan.github.io/jq/
> Then just run a 'sh' command to get the data out. I haven't used that myself.
> Have fun!
> --Bill
> On Thursday, 9 March 2017 21:51:20 UTC, jeremy....@wonderful.fr wrote:
>> Hi Bill.
>> I've tried many things with no luck.
>> So I've got this JSON credential file whose content looks like this:
>> {
>>   "sshUserKey":"sshuserval",
>>   "sshHostKey":"sshhostval"
>> }
>> I've successfully managed to open this file in my pipeline:
>> withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'secrettest', variable: 
>> 'testMasterCred')]) {
>>     sh "cat ${testMasterCred}";
>> }
>> The cat command shows effectively the content of the JSON file.
>> Then, how would you parse this JSON?
>> I've tried readJSON file: $testMasterCred; but this doesn't work, and 
>> throws the following message: No such property: $testMasterCred for class: 
>> groovy.lang.Binding
>> I've got the feeling that I'm not very far from the truth.
>> There's not much help on the pipeline-utility-steps-plugin readme 
>> regarding this.
>> Would you have an example about how I could get the parsing right?
>> Thanking you.
>> Regards.
>> Le jeudi 9 mars 2017 10:06:44 UTC+1, Bill Dennis a écrit :
>>> It can be any format file you like XML, properties, txt whatever you 
>>> need for some sort of configuration (except large binary files I guess). 
>>> There is a CloudBees article here that should help:
>>> https://support.cloudbees.com/hc/en-us/articles/203802500-Injecting-Secrets-into-Jenkins-Build-Jobs
>>> The article shows creating these globally but you can create them scoped 
>>> on a folder.
>>> Then to use in the pipelines I suggest to drop into the pipeline syntax 
>>> link on  a pipeline job that drops into the snipper generator in the 
>>> Jenkins pipeline UI and go through the 'withCredentials' snippet generator. 
>>> It found it best to experiment around a bit to figure it out.
>>> --Bill
>>> On Thursday, 9 March 2017 08:41:23 UTC, jeremy....@wonderful.fr wrote:
>>>> Hi Bill.
>>>> Thanks so much for your reply.
>>>> I like this credential file option. That would mean I can create a file 
>>>> with all the environment variables I need for my branches inside (one per 
>>>> branch I guess). And if I could scope it inside my project folder even 
>>>> better.
>>>> I've tried to google information about how to use credential files, but 
>>>> without much success. Would you have an example of how you'd write one?
>>>> Is it a key / value format? bash variables declarations? JSON? XML?
>>>> Thank you for your time and your help.
>>>> Regards.
>>>> Jeremy.
>>>> Le mercredi 8 mars 2017 10:05:02 UTC+1, Bill Dennis a écrit :
>>>>> Just some other things I thought of -
>>>>> If you use the credentials file feature you can put all those 
>>>>> sensitive properties in a properties file stored as 'jenkins 
>>>>> credentials'. 
>>>>> Then pull that props file into your workspace using 'withCredentials' 
>>>>> in the pipeline.
>>>>> Next thing is to grab the pipeline utility steps plugin which has a 
>>>>> readProperties step (it is not one of the standard pipe plugins - you 
>>>>> will 
>>>>> need to add it).
>>>>> https://plugins.jenkins.io/pipeline-utility-steps
>>>>> Then you have the file properties loaded as Java properties and you 
>>>>> can use them as before.
>>>>> I did this move from Freestyle too and there is a lot to learn but it 
>>>>> is worth it. Another recommendation is to look at the declarative 
>>>>> pipeline 
>>>>> not just scripted pipeline. Declarative has post build handling in the 
>>>>> pipeline which you may miss from FreeStyle jobs. In scripted pipeline you 
>>>>> have to do a lot of try-catch handling for build errors.
>>>>> Bill
>>>>> On Wednesday, 8 March 2017 08:45:03 UTC, Bill Dennis wrote:
>>>>>> If you put the pipeline / branch jobs inside a folder, you can scope 
>>>>>> the credentials to just that folder. Pretty sure that is available in 
>>>>>> Jenkins OSS and not just Enterprise - you need the CloudBees Folders 
>>>>>> plugin. Have a look on here, it might have some clues: 
>>>>>> https://support.cloudbees.com/hc/en-us/articles/204264974-How-inject-your-Maven-settings-xml-at-folder-level-with-the-Credentials-plugin
>>>>>> I am not sure if this helps in your branch scenario. I put all my 
>>>>>> credentials globally then realised I could scope them to the folder 
>>>>>> level - 
>>>>>> I missed it due to some nuances in the credentials UI.
>>>>>> Bill

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