You might want to use Groovy System Script to process those parameters
(note that /System/ script is not an OS script, it's Jenkins script). It
will be much easier to process strings in it.
Here is something to get you started. This is a script that schedules
"Some-job-name" to be run with some parameters. If you use string
parameters you might want to trim and validate values passed by users to
avoid some security/consistency problems.
// start
import hudson.model.*
// run
def appServersString =
def appServersList = appServersString.split(',')
for (appServer in appServersList) {
Schedule rollout helper
def scheduleAppRollout(dstServer) {
def job = Hudson.instance.getJob("Some-job-name")
// prepare parameters
def params = []
params += new StringParameterValue('dstServer', dstServer)
params += new BooleanParameterValue('somBooleanParamOfTheJobToBeStarted',
params += new BooleanParameterValue('imABot', true)
def paramsAction = new ParametersAction(params)
//preapre cause
def cause = new Cause.UpstreamCause(build)
def causeAction = new CauseAction(cause)
// run
println("[INFO] Scheduling rollout to `" + dstServer + "`");
Hudson.instance.queue.schedule(job, 0, causeAction, paramsAction)
// EOF
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