The reason is when you click workspace, it would try to find the laster 
node + workspace to show.  Even you copy back to master, you still can not 
see the workspace stuff. 
One simple solution is

  after you job done, you copy back to master directory, which would be 
same path with the slave workspace. 

 And then you can mark your configuration of job,  "Restrict where this 
project can be run" to master . By this way, you can see the the workspace 
on master . 

One point is next run, you should mark "Restrict where this project can be 
run" to slave label

To automated, you can use a jenkins plugin like join plugin to 
automatically change the label.

On Thursday, April 25, 2013 at 8:04:09 PM UTC+8, Aswini Rajasekaran wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a small question, this might sound silly but I am not able to find 
> the answer for this.
> In my jenkins master node, the workspace directory is defined as 
> <jenkinsroot>/jobs/*<jobname>/workspace* - this is configured as 
> ${ITEM_ROOTDIR}/workspace in jenkins master.
> whereas in slave, the workspace directory gets stored like this  
> <jenkinsroot>/jobs/*workspace/<jobname>*
> I want both the workspace directory, in master and slave to be consistent. 
> Is there anything that I can do to make this happen?
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Aswini

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