Hey all,

I'm currently writing a plugin where I need to write integration tests 
which rely on build trigger behavior. For some context, I'm using the 
JenkinsRule object for testing.  

Say I have job A and job B. Job B is a downstream job from job A. I've 
created a BuildTrigger in my test which is added to job A like this:

Enter code here...

List<AbstractProject> downstreamJobs = new ArrayList<AbstractProject>();
jobA.getPublishersList().add(new BuildTrigger(downstreamJobs, Result.SUCCESS));

Now I'd like to schedule a build for job A and block until job B has 
completed. The problem I'm running in to is that my test will only block on 
job A but not job B. I schedule job A like this:
Enter code here...

FreeStyleBuild jobABuild = jobA.scheduleBuild2(0, c, params).get();

This call of schedulebuild2 returns a future. I then block until the build 
has completed. I'd then like the test to block on job B, but I'm not sure 
how to do that. I'd really like to know if there's a blessed way for the 
test to block until all downstream jobs are completed or if I should take a 
different approach all together. Thanks.

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