I've just found those variables are private:


So no way to set them directly unless running the method doPostCredential

import jenkins.model.*

import hudson.model.*


def inst = Jenkins.getInstance()

def desc = inst.getDescriptor("hudson.tools.JDKInstaller")

println desc.doPostCredential('YourEmailAccount','YourPassword')

I hope it helps


On Thursday, 30 June 2016 14:23:45 UTC+1, Stijn Diependaele wrote:
> Hey Mike,
> We decided not to download from Oracle. Instead we have a local repo and 
> we use puppet to manage/install the java package. So I did it like in the 
> script above by setting the name and the path where java is installed.
> It's better to have a local repo and use this one instead. But if you want 
> I can have a look at it again, maybe I find it now.
> Op vrijdag 29 april 2016 17:03:50 UTC+2 schreef Stijn Diependaele:
>> Dear,
>> I'm trying to write a groovy script which manages the JDK installs. 
>> The code below would set the JDK installation with the home folder. 
>> Although I would like to us an automatic installation from Oracle.
>> You have to set the username and password for this. But how do i pass the 
>> username and password to the Descriptor of JDKInstaller?
>> If I look at 
>> http://javadoc.jenkins-ci.org/hudson/tools/JDKInstaller.DescriptorImpl.html 
>> I can see that you can getUsername an getPassword. 
>> A guess would be it's done by passing it through JSON in the configure 
>> method???
>> Could anyone provide a code example? 
>> JDKDesc = Jenkins.instance.getDescriptorByName("hudson.model.JDK");
>> JDK jdk = new JDK("JDK 8", "/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64");
>> jdkDesc.setInstallations(jdk); 
>> jdks = jdkDesc.getInstallations();
>> jdkDesc.save();
>> Jenkins.instance.save()
>> thanks!
>> Stijn

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