Am running Jenkins v2.3x with Pipeline plugin running at v2.x

In the repo root, I have a Jenkinsfile from which shared library is meant 
to be used.

repo_root / 
                 |_____ Jenkinsfile
                 |_____ vars /
                                     |____ buildUtils.groovy

Within the buildUtils.groovy, this is the code snippet:


def call(body) {

    def config = [:]
    body.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST
    body.delegate = config

    node('linux') {
        checkout scm
        def url = "${}-plugin.git";
        echo " == URL with repo name == "
        echo "${url}"

With this setup in place, running Jenkins build job for this repo, fails 
with this error:

[Pipeline] End of Pipelinejava.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method 
'buildUtils' found among steps 

I have been scourging forums here, in SO, in Google but no real solutions seem 
be available (atleast, it seems to escape my eyes).

What's going wrong here ?


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