
I want to test my project in several platforms: Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, 
etc. I have created some docker slaves in jenkins for each platform. My 
jenkins file looks like:

def labels = ['DockerSlaveXenial', 'DockerSlaveTrusty']

def stage1() {
    checkout scm
    sh 'ls -l'

def stage2() {
    sh 'ls -lah'
    sh 'echo hi'

for (x in labels) {
    def label = x

    node(label) {
        stage ('Checkout source'){
        stage ('Tests'){

It is working, it is executing the 2 stages in each node (docker slave). I 
have 3 questions:

   1. Is this the proper way to do it?.
   2. in *Stage View* I see a table with 4 columns: Checkout source, Tests, 
   Checkout source, Tests. Meaning two columns (checkout source and tests) for 
   each node. How can I group the test by node and stage?.
   3. On the other hand, I can't execute it with *parallel *because I can't 
   use *parallel *with *stages*. How can I execute it parallely?

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