Are you using Bitbucket Cloud or Server?

On Tue, Oct 25, 2016, 20:57 Eddú Meléndez Gonzales <>


I am working with Jenkins 2 and Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin and I have
followed the following steps:

1. Create a new Item "Bitbucket Team/Project"
2. Set "Scan Credentials" (tested with credential from team member and
team/apitoken - Username and Password)
3. Enable "Auto-register webhooks"
4. Then, Jenkins perform "Folder computation"

This is working fine, scan all the projects which have Jenkinsfile in the
repo and when new commit is sent analysis is perform automatically. But,
when PR is sent the analysis is not performed. When, Folder computation is
Re-run then I got: *HTTP request error. Status: 403: FORBIDDEN*

I have a fork for this project so is obvious jenkins doesn't have access to
my PR because it is using another credentials but I am a team member too.

I'd like to know if I'm missing something or which kind of credentials
should I use?

Thanks in advance


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