I've tried every path variation I can think of

    def paths = [
    for (path in paths)
        try {
            def hg_folders = new FileNameFinder().getFileNames(path, '*')
            echo "SUCCESS!! Found $path"
        catch(Exception err) {
            echo "There was a problem finding $path"
            echo err.getMessage()

The result is this

[Windows] There was a problem finding c:
[Windows] /c: does not exist.

[Windows] There was a problem finding c:\
[Windows] /c: does not exist.

[Windows] There was a problem finding c:\Jenkins
[Windows] /c:/Jenkins does not exist.

[Windows] There was a problem finding c:\Jenkins\workspace\
[Windows] /c:/Jenkins/workspace does not exist.

[Windows] There was a problem finding c:\Jenkins\workspace\WPF-TryBuild
[Windows] /c:/Jenkins/workspace/WPF-TryBuild does not exist.

[Windows] There was a problem finding c:/
[Windows] /c: does not exist.

[Windows] There was a problem finding c:/Jenkins
[Windows] /c:/Jenkins does not exist.

[Windows] There was a problem finding c:/Jenkins/workspace/
[Windows] /c:/Jenkins/workspace does not exist.

[Windows] There was a problem finding c:/Jenkins/workspace/WPF-TryBuild
[Windows] /c:/Jenkins/workspace/WPF-TryBuild does not exist.

[Windows] There was a problem finding C:\
[Windows] /C: does not exist.

[Windows] There was a problem finding C:\Jenkins
[Windows] /C:/Jenkins does not exist.

[Windows] There was a problem finding C:\Jenkins\workspace\
[Windows] /C:/Jenkins/workspace does not exist.

[Windows] There was a problem finding C:\Jenkins\workspace\WPF-TryBuild
[Windows] /C:/Jenkins/workspace/WPF-TryBuild does not exist.

[Windows] There was a problem finding C:/
[Windows] /C: does not exist.

[Windows] There was a problem finding C:/Jenkins
[Windows] /C:/Jenkins does not exist.

[Windows] There was a problem finding C:/Jenkins/workspace/
[Windows] /C:/Jenkins/workspace does not exist.

[Windows] There was a problem finding C:/Jenkins/workspace/WPF-TryBuild
[Windows] /C:/Jenkins/workspace/WPF-TryBuild does not exist.

Those paths most certainly do exist, 

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