Thanks everyone!  I got it working exactly as I wanted.  For any others 
struggling with the same, here is the solution.  Hope it helps someone!  :)

*Pipeline job will take parameters like this:*


*The pipeline code:*

def ippair = IPADDRESSES.tokenize(",")

// The map we'll store the parallel steps in before executing them.
def stepsForParallel = [:]

for (int i = 0; i < ippair.size(); i++) {
    // Get the actual string here.
    def s = ippair.get(i)
    def stepName = "echoing ${s}"
    stepsForParallel[stepName] = parallelstep(s)

parallel stepsForParallel

def parallelstep(inputString) {
    return {
        node {
            stage('Pair:' + inputString) {
                echo "Working on the pair:"  + inputString
                ip = inputString.tokenize()
                echo "The first IP is: " + ip[0]
                echo "The second IP is: " + ip[1]
            } //stage block
        } // node block
    } //return block

*End output is a list of stages which is variable based on how many pairs 
of IP's were supplied as parameters.  Which is one I wanted exactly. *


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