I ran across this thread while trying to solve a similar problem writing 
Pipelines with Jenkins 2.  I installed the Authorize Project plugin, set my 
Pipeline job to run as user that triggered, and tried to use a Credential 
Parameter to get the ID and pass it to my Pipeline from SCM.  The parameter 
gets the ID of my SSH key stored in my user-specific area and I can echo 
the UUID out to the console log, but nothing else seems to be able to use 
it to load my key:  I've tried the git step, the checkout step, and the 
sshagent wrapper step and nothing seems to be able to retrieve the 
credentials.  I am using the role authorization strategy plugin, but I'm 
currently an administrator so I wouldn't expect any of those privileges to 
get in the way and the Credentials Parameter seems to have no problem.

I've banged my head against this for days and don't know what I'm doing 
wrong.  Is this just broken with Pipelines?

On Wednesday, April 13, 2016 at 2:49:36 PM UTC-4, Stephen Connolly wrote:
> It depends on how the plugin has been written. If it is written correctly, 
> then it should allow the user to select their own credentials if they have 
> the appropriate permissions (I cannot recall, but you may have to enable a 
> permission by system property... Or it could be a bug in the gitlab plugin)
> On Wednesday 13 April 2016, ayesha s <sddq....@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
>> Hi Stephen,
>> Thanks for your response!
>> The main problem is that the *per-user credential* is *not getting 
>> populated in the drop down* under the project configuration window(see 
>> attchment). Hence the user is unable to use that credential to connect to 
>> GitLab repo.🙁
>> Also could you please elaborate more on Step 2 you mentioned - configure 
>> the jobs to run as the user
>> Is it something related to this-Refer3rd  attachment 
>> Do you think that instead of SSH credential, using *https credential *in 
>> jenkins will solve this issue?Though no information is available online 
>> on how to connect to GitLab using https credentials method. 🤔
>> Regards
>> Ayesha Siddiqui
>> On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 7:37 PM, Stephen Connolly <
>> stephen.alan.conno...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Step 1: Install the Authorize Project plugin
>>> Step 2: configure the jobs to run as the user
>>> Step 3: have the user put their credentials in their per-user 
>>> credentials store
>>> Step 4: don't put credentials in the Jenkins System credentials store
>>> Step 5: Sit back, light your pipe and enjoy the satisfaction of a job 
>>> well done
>>> On 11 April 2016 at 08:32, ayesha s <sddq.aye...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Currently I have a global credential created(ssh keys) to build a 
>>>> project in GitLab.And any other(authenticated) user that logs into this 
>>>> Jenkins instance on windows server are able to use the same credential to 
>>>> build their projects in GitLab Repository.A Non-Admin user can see another 
>>>> user`s user Jenkins credentials' contents (private keys, etc!)
>>>> But for security reasons this should not happen.Each user should only 
>>>> be able to build his/her GitLab repo using his/her credential(ssh keys).So 
>>>> he should also not  be able to view any other credentials apart from the 
>>>> one created by/for him.
>>>> I am using Roles Based Authorization plugin to give different users 
>>>> different roles for different projects.If I want to create a project based 
>>>> credential at the user level(and not global credential) then that 
>>>> credential does not appear in the drop down under Project 
>>>> configuration(Refer to 5.jpeg).And I believe that if we could see the 
>>>> credential here in drop down then it would have solved my purpose.Or is 
>>>> there any other way so that every user can only view/use  his/her own 
>>>> credentials and not any other user credentials?
>>>> I have attached screen shots for better understanding of my current 
>>>> problem and the solution I am looking for.
>>>> 1.jpeg-> Global credentials  view from admin login (all users that log 
>>>> in are able see and use this)
>>>> 2.jpeg->Global credentials  view from normal user login
>>>> 3.jpeg->Credential created under the current user(but its not visible 
>>>> in the 5.jpeg drop down for it to be used to build GitLab Repo)
>>>> 4.jpeg->Global credential being used to build GitLab project(Every user 
>>>> using ayesha_siddi...@in.ibm.com credentials- which is not correct)
>>>> 5.jpeg->Drop down only shows Global credentials and not credentials 
>>>> created under a user Credentials(prpan...@in.ibm.com as created in 
>>>> 3.jpeg not visible here)
>>>> Roles & Permissions.jpeg ->Credentials permission given thru Role Based 
>>>> Authorization Plugin 
>>>> Till now I have tried creating 'domains' and created  credentials for 
>>>> that domain  but that does not solve the purpose.I have also referred to 
>>>> following discussions:
>>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer#!searchin/jenkinsci-users/user$20credentials|sort:relevance/jenkinsci-users/MMvgsv8J3hE/Q4MpfhXjBAAJ
>>>> The following discussion is similar to the requirement I am looking 
>>>> for.But even after installing 'Authorization Plugin' its still not clear 
>>>> what other settings needs to be done.As this still is not letting one see 
>>>> per-user credentials in the drop down to select in project configuration. 
>>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer#!searchin/jenkinsci-users/user$20credentials|sort:relevance/jenkinsci-users/t9z2uLuvf74/ZLJwxEHrCgAJ
>>>> Kindly let me know once I have installed Authorization plugin what next 
>>>> needs to be done to solve the problem I am facing?Or if there is other 
>>>> method to achieve my purpose?
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