Hi, I have a multi branch pipeline configuration job working fine so far....

However every single repository has exactly the same jenkinsfile except for 
the git repo name.

a typical jenkinsfile looks like:

node('docker-slave') {
    withCredentials([[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: 
'NEXUS', usernameVariable: 'NEXUS_USERNAME', passwordVariable: 
        git url: 'g...@bitbucket.org:myco/myprob.git', branch: env.branch_name, 
credentialsId: '08df8ab41de0', variable: 'CREDENTIALS'
        stage 'Test'
        sh 'env > env.txt'
        sh 'cat env.txt'
        sh 'make verify'

What I'd like to do is detect which git repo triggered the build so I don't 
have to hardcode it in the jenkinsfile.  

So what I'd like is to change the git line to something like:

 git url: *env.GIT_URL*, branch: env.branch_name, credentialsId: 
'08df8ab41de0', variable: 'CREDENTIALS'

This gets me closer to my eventual goal of storing my Jenkinsfile in a common 
location instead of having to copy it repo to repo and modify it repo to repo.

Any ideas?



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