
If you need to install Jenkins offline and then manage plugins on it, the
best way would be to use a local update center, through which you can
distribute plugins. For example see
https://github.com/yandex-qatools/juseppe (Embedded file-based update

Once you connect Jenkins to such update center, the most of the
installation flows will be similar to common Jenkins. The only exception
are downloadable tools (Java, Maven, Ant, etc.). Generally you should avoid
using them by using alternate installers (e.g. from the core or from Extra
Tool Installers Plugin

Hopefully it helps,

2016-08-24 22:11 GMT+02:00 Daruwala, Jimmy <jimmy.daruw...@td.com>:

> Classification: Internal
> Hi All,
> My company is planning to migrate from Bamboo to Jenkins. As usual our
> servers do not have any internet connection, which makes my life really
> hard to test installing Jenkins in our staging Linux server. Moreover,
> Jenkins out of the box does not help with anything, only plugins make
> Jenkins what it is. And for testing purposes which plugin to use and
> install “offline” seems really tough.
> Can someone please guide me through the installation and setup of
> *plugins* in Jenkins offline. We can take example of Jira plugin.
> Thanks,
> Jimmy Daruwala
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