Yes, one solution would be to store the branch names elsewhere which 
environment to build on. However that solution would deprive me of a great 
functionality to automatically build new branches. If I create a new branch 
origin/fixA from origin/featureA, then I would have to manually update a 
groovy file to indicate that fixA branch should build on slave nodes 
belonging to featureA branch, and I have to do it before I push the new 
branch up to remote

mandag 8. august 2016 12.45.47 UTC+2 skrev Alan Clucas følgende:
> Ok, so you're either in to doing this with git (I'm guessing you use git) 
> to work out what derived branch you're from, which is very hard in the 
> general case - or you need to store branch names elsewhere.
> You could perform a load(env.BRANCHNAME+'.groovy') to load a branch 
> specific groovy snippet (perhaps with a fallback to master if that file 
> doesn't exist) which defines buildEnvironment for that branch.
> That would never merge conflict, but would need a tidy-up from time to 
> time.
> On Wednesday, 3 August 2016 08:08:38 UTC+1, Sverre Moe wrote:
>> Yes, I am using Multibranch pipeline.
>> I already have the branch name with env.BRANCH_NAME, but only some 
>> designated branches have a list of slave nodes.
>> If the branch is master, it should build on all slave nodes in the 
>> environment for master.
>> If the branch is userName/work which is branched out from master it 
>> should also build in the environment for master.
>> I am using the parameter buildEnvironment in the Jenkinsfile to determine 
>> which environment of slave nodes to build on.
>> Environment: master
>> Nodes: master-sles12-x86_64, master-centos7-x86_64 ...
>> tirsdag 2. august 2016 12.01.10 UTC+2 skrev Alan Clucas følgende:
>>> How are you building all these branches? If you're using a multibranch 
>>> pipeline (or anything else where the branch name is part of the job name) 
>>> then env.JOB_NAME contains a string you can mangle to extract the branch 
>>> details.
>>> On Tuesday, 2 August 2016 07:19:22 UTC+1, Sverre Moe wrote:
>>>> I am using the variable buildEnvironment to determine which set of 
>>>> nodes the branch should be built on.
>>>> Each release branch (including git master) has their own list of slave 
>>>> nodes.
>>>> Jenkinsfile:
>>>> #!groovy
>>>> def buildEnvironment = "master"
>>>> def param2 = null
>>>> String[] args = [buildEnvironment, param2] as String[]
>>>> def build = new
>>>> build.execute(args)
>>>> There has been some concerns that the Jenkinsfile could cause forever 
>>>> merge conflicts because one parameter is different among different 
>>>> branches.
>>>> origin/master -> def buildEnvironment = "master"
>>>> origin/releaseA -> def buildEnvironment = "releaseA"
>>>> I could use the branch name to determine which buildEnvironment to use, 
>>>> but that would not work when it is a feature or work branch created from 
>>>> either master or a release branch. The branch name master would work for 
>>>> branch master, but not myUser/work that is branched out of master.
>>>> Anyone have any idea how this can be solved without keeping the 
>>>> parameter buildEnvironment in the Jenkinsfile?

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