Was watching the new release notes for some plugins, and happened to find 

JENKINS-34547 <https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-34547> 
Converted concurrency setting to a job property, allowing it to be defined 
in a multibranch Jenkinsfile via the properties step.

It looks like it is now possible to set concurrency so that it does go 
across all branches -- though I'm not sure how to use it yet, seems very 


On Tuesday, July 26, 2016 at 9:15:57 PM UTC-4, David wrote:
> I never found a good solution, but I am using the lockable resources 
> plugin (
> https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Lockable+Resources+Plugin). I 
> didn't need to define each resource manually:
> When the lock step is used in a Pipeline, if the resource to be locked 
>> isn't already defined in the Jenkins global configuration, it'll be set up 
>> automatically.
> On Tuesday, July 26, 2016 at 7:49:21 PM UTC-4, Greg Smith wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> Did you ever find a nice solution to this problem?  I would also like to 
>> lock builds for projects with multiple branches / PRs, but don't want to 
>> mess with using lockable resources (which seems to be the only solution 
>> right now that works with pipeline code, but it requires you define a 
>> resource for each project)
>> Cheers,
>> Greg
>> On Thursday, May 12, 2016 at 4:23:50 PM UTC-4, David wrote:
>>> I have a Jenkinsfile in my repo, and one of the stages uses resources 
>>> shared across every branch, but I need to limit it to only one build at a 
>>> time. It seems that if two branches are being built simultaneously, they 
>>> don't respect the concurrency parameter and end up using the shared 
>>> resource at the same time.
>>> I'd like the branch builds to wait until the other branch is out of that 
>>> shared stage before entering, which is what i thought the concurrency 
>>> parameter would do.
>>> stage name: 'Source code checkout'
>>> node {
>>>     checkout scm
>>> }
>>> // Tests reuse the same resources
>>> // I thought setting concurrency to 1 would avoid multiple branch builds 
>>> stepping on each other
>>> stage name: 'Test', concurrency: 1
>>> node {
>>>     // This doesn't seem to be limited to one branch build at a time
>>>     // How can I achieve that?
>>> }

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